If you can smell burning rubber in the air, combined with singed hair and octane, it can only mean one thing. That the Arena War Series is back. It’s not just back, but it’s returning with a vengeance as this week in GTA Online this mode is paying out triple. That means three times the GTA$ and RP.
If going head-to-head against other players is a bit too high stakes for you, don’t worry since there’s always the option to go for something smaller in scale. For this week as well, RC Bandito Races are paying out 2x GTA$ & RP. Another mode that is paying double as well is Premium Deluxe Repo Work. Don’t take too long to decide as all of these are available only until June 17.
For this week as well, players who participate in Business Battles have a chance at getting the Brute Tee, Bollokan Tee, or even the Chariot Tee.
Speaking of chances, if things appear to be too stressful, head on over to The Diamond Casino & Resort to slow things down. Before leaving, give the Lucky Wheel a spin as it hands out some good prizes. For this week the top prize is none other than the collector’s item, the Pegassi Torero. Behind the wheel of this Sports Classic you get to experience nostalgia to the time when road safety regulations were rather lax.

There’s no doubt that with the Arena Series handing out triple rewards, it’s rather tempting to jump right in. However, preparing is just as important and competing in demolition derbies are often pricy affairs. Not to worry though as this week, there are a lot of Arena-related items being offered at a discount. These include:
- Arena Workshop – 50% off
- Arena Garages – 40% off
- Arena Mechanics – 40% off
- Benny’s O.M.W Mechanic
- Weapons Expert
- All Arena War Vehicle Upgrade Variants (Apocalypse, Future Shock and Nightmare) – 40% off
- Bruiser
- Brutus
- Cerberus
- Deathbike
- Dominator
- Impaler
- Imperator
- Issi
- Sasquatch
- Scarab
- Slamvan
- ZR380
There are also other discounts being offered, particularly for vehicles, which include:
- RC Bandito – 35% off
- Invade and Persuade RC Tank – 35% off
- Grotti Itali GTO – 35% off
- Schyster Deviant – 50% off
Like before, we end this week’s update with Twitch Prime offers. These are for GTA Online players that connected their Rockstar Social Club account to their Twitch Prime account. Starting on June 11 and up to June 17, these members get bonus GTA$200,000 for just playing the game. For those who managed to play the game last week, be sure to keep that streak going all throughout the next three weeks and get the chance to earn as much as GTA$1,000,000.