Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers released Patch 5.05 giving players exciting content and new challenges. This latest patch introduces the Savage Difficulty level to the Eden’s Gate raid. This is in addition to offering players a new dungeon to explore along with new items to discover and create.
As mentioned, the patch adds the Savage Difficulty to Eden’s Gate. In order to access this stage, players need to speak with Lewrey in Amh Araeng (X:26.8 Y:16.4) with a level 80 Disciple of War/Magic after completing the quest "The Next Piece of the Puzzle." Upon completing Eden's Gate (Savage) duties, a treasure coffer appears containing an Edengrace Coffer. Using this item transforms it into gear corresponding to the player’s current job. In addition, the coffers that appear upon completing Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage) yield weapons.

The patch also adds the Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah. This is similar to the Aquapolis and the Lost Canals of Uznair. The dungeons can be accessed after finding and opening treasure coffers obtained from zonureskin treasure maps. Here, players get the chance to test their luck and obtain priceless treasures.

Added with the new patch as well are the Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria. Players can only obtain 450 Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria per week and at the same time carry a maximum of 2,000. In addition, players can only receive Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria after reaching level 80 with at least one class or job. In relation to this, players can speak with Aymark in Eulmore (X:10.2 Y:11.8) to exchange Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria for gear. Meanwhile, to enhance gear received in exchange for Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria, players can speak with Shee-Tatch in Eulmore (X:10.2 Y:12.0).
The full patch notes can be viewed here.
Season Event
Aside from the release of the latest patch, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers revealed that the annual Moonfire Faire seasonal event is set to return this August 7. During the the event, players receive a variety of rewards when completing quests. Additional details of the event are going to be available on the Lodestone before the start of the event.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is available as a digital download collector’s edition for the PlayStation 4, Windows, Steam, and Mac for $59.99. A physical version of the Standard Edition is available for PlayStation 4 for $39.99 while digital download versions are available for PlayStation 4, Windows, Steam, and Mac for $39.99. All versions of Shadowbringers can be purchased at the Square Enix Store. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is rated T for Teen.