Fallout 76: Prepare for the Return of the Mothman

The Monthman cometh.
The Monthman cometh. Bethesda

It’s that time of the year again when the sect of the Wise Mothman’s most devoted followers known as “The Enlightened” is conducting an elaborate ritual in the hopes of summoning the cryptid. The Mothman Equinox Seasonal Event in Fallout 76 starts from June 28 until July 12. It’s going to take place every hour at the top of the hour at Point Pleasant. Players who help the sect in their dark endeavors and fend off rival cultists get the chance to earn the favor of the Wise Mothman.

To start the event, speak with Interpreter Clarence on the roof of the Mothman Museum. After that, they need to join other Dwellers and help the Enlightened in finishing ceremonial tasks around Point Pleasant, lighting ritual bonfires, and defending against an onslaught of rival Mothman Cultists.

For each objective finished before the timer expires, head back to the roof of the Mothman Museum and complete the final step of the summoning. The next step is to commune with the Wise Mothman and get the chance to earn new themed plans.

By the way, while in Point Pleasant, players should remember to look for ways to learn more about the origins of the mysterious Enlightened.

Remember that as long as the Mothman Equinox Seasonal Event is live, players can also encounter Cultist High Priests during their adventures across Appalachia. Hunt them down for more chances of earning Mothman Cult-themed rewards.

Ongoing and Upcoming Events

Those looking for new legendary weapons and armor can go to Purveyor Murmrgh’s shop at the Rusty Pick in Ash Heap. It’s offered at 25% off until June 27.

When the event mentioned above ends, Minerva is dropping by for another sale. She’s more than willing to take a player’s Gold Bullion in exchange for different Plans at a discount from June 27 to June 29. Remember that Minerva usually likes to set up at any of these three settlements: Crater, Foundation, and Fort Atlas.

What are your thoughts on this? Ready to help the followers of the Mothman? Fallout 76 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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