Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Offering A New Godzilla Skin

The monster skin is here.
The monster skin is here. Mediatonic

Did you know that there’s such a thing as Godzilla Day? It's true, and in Japan it’s celebrated every November 3. To join in with this “monstrous” event, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is offering gamers something to get happy about. For a limited time beginning on Godzilla Day, players get the chance to own the all-new Godzilla skin in Fall Guys for 10 Crowns.

For those not familiar, the first Godzilla film was released back on November 3, 1954. After that, the monster grew to become the icon that it is now. In addition to Godzilla Day, Japan also has a Godzilla Festival held every year. In 2019 there were more than 20,000 attendees, and this year there’s the expectation of having more fans considering the festival's switch to a virtual celebration.

Going back to Fall Guys, the skin is going to have many of this kaiju's iconic features like the three rows of dorsal fins. It isn't a perfect recreation, as this one has been designed to fit into the world of Fall Guys. In addition, this skin is also going to offer different color options depending on what the game calls for.

In a statement to the press, Toho International Managing Director Lora Chon revealed that they are excited to be able to partner with Mediatonic for this new skin. Considering the success of the game, Chon added that this presented a good chance for Godzilla fans everywhere. She went on to say that with the Godzilla costume, “players will get to celebrate Godzilla Day in such a unique way by putting on the Godzilla suit and stomping their way to victory.”

Meanwhile, Mediatonic VP of Creative Jeff Tanton said that it’s clear that there are many parallels when it comes to Godzilla and the average Fall Guy. He revealed that the two are “fiercely competitive, they battle on an international stage with incredibly high stakes, they always get back up after being knocked down, and according to worrying reports from our social media channels, they are both much taller than you'd expect.” Tanton said further that they are happy to be able to share the celebration with the King of Monsters and that “if anyone is still struggling to get a crown with this costume, though it may sound primitive and un-scientific, we recommend that through the fairies, they could perhaps ask Infant Island for help?"

Fall Guys is available on the PC and PlayStation 4.

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