‘Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’: Transfer Original Xenoverse Data To Get The Best Equipment And Attacks Early

  • Playstation 4
  • Xbox One
  • Fighting
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (PHOTO: Bandai Namco / Dimps)
Dragon Ball: Xenoverse (PHOTO: Bandai Namco / Dimps)

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is available now for PS4 and Xbox One as players will enter the Dragon Ball Universe as their own character to protect the timeline against some of the biggest enemies in the history of Dragon Ball.

It’s going to be a long and tough task but if you put enough effort in and train your character with some of the mentors to learn some of the best attacks in the game. Or you can just transfer over your Dragon Ball Xenoverse data from the original game to get the best equipment and attacks from the get-go.

What we mean is, when you boot up your Xenoverse 2 game , it will scan your PS4 or XBox One console for Xenoverse 1 data. If it’s present, then it’ll transfer it over at a certain point in the story and give you one created character from Xenoverse 1’s equipment and skill set.

The following may spoil some of the story of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 so be aware.

After the tutorial in Xenoverse 2 , the Supreme Kai of Time will explain to your character the events of Xenoverse 1 with your character from that game saving the universe. A statue made in their honor stands in the middle of Conton City, and that’s when the game asks if you want to use data from Xenoverse 1 .

If you agree, you can choose any one character from your Xenoverse 1 save file (or a random assortment of Time Patrollers) and they will be erected as a statue. But most importantly, their entire skill set and whatever their equipment was from the last time you saved in that game will be transferred to your current game.

This is to reward anyone who has played both game but you should know this can only be done once. If you want to do it again you will have to delete your Xenoverse 2 save file and start over.

So before you pop in Xenoverse 2, and if you still have the original game, be sure to equip your character with your desired clothing and skill sets to transfer over so you can get some of the better Ultra Moves, like Vegeta’s Final Flash, in the early game.

What skills do you hope to transfer over? Let us know in the comments section below.

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