If you have been playing Destiny for a while, you definitely know who Xur is and have a good idea about all the Exotics he gives you weekly. This week, you can find Xur on Nessus at Watchers Grave.

Xur’s inventory for the week of September 4 consists of the following:
- Merciless, Exotic Fusion Rifle: 29 Legendary Shards
- Foe tracer, Exotic Hunter Helmet: 23 Legendary Shards
- Aeon Safe, Exotic Titan Gauntlets: 23 Legendary Shards
- Wings of Sacred Dawn, Exotic Warlock Chest Armor: 23 Legendary Shards
- Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shards
Merciless is an exotic fusion rifle. Its exotic perk, Conserve Momentum, allows the fusion rifle to burst in faster succession for every hit you deal. This weapon is super useful for raids as it deals a lot of damage to bosses. If you still don’t have this weapon it’s a really good option to keep in your loadout.
Foetracer is an exotic Hunter helmet. Its exotic perk, Relentless Tracker, is one of the strongest perks in the game. The perk can track enemies through walls and also deal extra damage if the enemy is at low health. This helmet can allow Hunters to be even sneakier and the tracking allows you to get more intel on your opponents. If you are a PvP player, then this is a helmet you must grab this week. The elemental roll comes with a total of 61 stats.
Aeon Safe:
Aeon Safe is an exotic Titan gauntlet. Its exotic perk, Aeon Energy, is more of a team-based utility. The perk allows you to share energy with allies, but there are plenty of other gauntlets that can help decide a match. If you don’t have this gauntlet, then you can buy it for storing it in your vault. The elemental roll comes with a total of 66 stats.
Wings of Sacred Dawn:
Wings of Sacred Dawn is an exotic Warlock chest armor. Its exotic perk, Tome of Sacred Dawn, allows you to hover longer in the air while aiming down sites. The perk allows you to hover for a longer duration if you land your shots on your opponents. It is pretty fun to use, but it will take some time to get used to it. The elemental roll comes with a total of 62 stats.
So, what are your thoughts on Xur's offers this week? Do you like any of the Exotics he is selling? Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.