If you have been playing Destiny for a while, you definitely know who Xur is and have a good idea about all the exotics he gives you weekly. This week, you can find Xur on Io at Giant Scar.
Xur’s inventory for the week of October 16 consists of the following:
- Queensbreaker, Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle: 29 Legendary Shards
- Lucky Raspberry, Exotic Hunter Chest Armor: 23 Legendary Shards
- One-Eyed Mask, Exotic Titan Helmet: 23 Legendary Shards
- Felwinter's Helm, Exotic Warlock Helmet: 23 Legendary Shards
- Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shard

Queensbreaker is an exotic linear fusion rifle. Its exotic perk, Wire Rifle, fires a long-range Arc bolt that blinds enemies when hit. This rifle is pretty useful for PvP situations as it gives you an upper hand in gunfights. You can grab the fusion rifle for 29 legendary shards.
Lucky Raspberry:
Lucky Raspberry is an exotic Hunter chest armor. Its exotic perk, Probability Matrix, deals additional damage for your arc grenades and allows your grenades to chain damage. This is only useful for defeating hordes of enemies. You can grab the Hunter chest armor for 23 legendary shards.
One-Eyed Mask
One-Eyed Mask is an exotic Titan helmet. Its exotic perk, Vengeance, marks enemies when you receive damage. Killing the targets grants extra damage and overshield. This helmet is still pretty good, even after all the nerfs. You can grab the Titan helmet for 23 legendary shards.
Felwinter's Helm
Felwinter's Helm is an exotic Warlock helmet. Its exotic perk, Warlord’s End, causes element kills to explode. It also affects the enemies in the proximity of the explosion. The helmet is pretty decent for PvP even after Bungie nerfed it a ton. You can grab the Warlock helmet for 23 legendary shards.
So, what are your thoughts on Xur's offers this week? Do you like any of the Exotics he is selling? Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.