ChinaJoy 2019: Stealth Hacking Game Evotinction Gets A New Trailer

Drawing upon themes of evolution and extinction.
Evotinction gets a gameplay trailer for ChinaJoy 2019.
Evotinction gets a gameplay trailer for ChinaJoy 2019. Spikewave Games

ChinaJoy 2019 begins today, and with it comes a whole host of titles from China-based developers as the country’s biggest gaming expo runs the whole weekend. There are tons of games that are featured, so be sure to stick around for our coverage of everything announced at this event, especially seeing as China is starting to gain footing in video game development – and that means more great games for everyone.

Stealth games are a dying genre, with more and more titles opting to go into either full-on action with some stealth mechanics or just ditching stealth mechanics altogether. As a result, it’s kind of refreshing to see a developer still try their hand at it, and that’s what Spikewave Games did for their PlayStation China Hero Project stealth hacking title Evotinction. The developers released a trailer for the game at ChinaJoy 2019, and it will be playable to all attendees from August 2 to August 5. Check out the trailer below to see this tense game in action.

Evotinction, according to the much-appreciated English voiceover, tackles themes of immortality through evolution (evo-), and its role in the mutually-assured extinction (-tinction) of our species. It’s a great theme to play around with, and will definitely please those who love The Animatrix. Gameplay is very intriguing as well, if a bit jarring, thanks to the animations and the character’s appearance reminding me of Sam from Death Stranding.

You play as a scientist in a facility as he seeks to avoid and turn off the roaming Genies, self-aware AIs who reside in the facility. The voiceover notes that a virus called RED has infected most of the facility’s electronics, including the Genies. Since soldiers and conventional armed tactics will prove ineffective against these specially designed guardians, it’s up to you to disable them through smart use of stealth and hacking. Here’s hoping that it can live up to the tension it seeks to create, while still balancing those themes in a well-crafted narrative that players can enjoy.

Evotinction is currently in development for the PlayStation 4. A release date for the project is yet to be announced.

ChinaJoy 2019 will run from August 2 to August 5. Expect more coverage from us as soon as anything new develops.


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