Bless Unleashed announced that its Closed Beta for the PS4 is starting today, August 20. Those who manage to join in for the beta get to unlock the 7 Day Valor perks, along with the exclusive Breaker of Games title. These are going to be awarded when Bless Unleashed officially launches on PS4.
In addition to the exclusive titles, players that manage to complete the first four two-player Arena Challenges during the beta period get to earn the title of Dungeon Breaker. The challenges are:
- A Holy Trial
- Emperor of Roots
- Mercenary Remnos
- Gnoll Triumvirate
In addition, the Game Masters are going to challenge everyone to a game of Hide and Seek. The GMs are going to post clues to their locations in order to help players along. The first one to find the GM and use the wave emote wins. The rewards from this event are going to be removed once the closed beta ends.
Salvage and Sell Event
There’s also the Salvage and Sell event that players can enjoy if they go to the Marketplace. The event starts today, August 20, and runs until August 25. Here are the details of this new event:
- Increase amount of Star Seed given from Gold conversion
- First conversion, 200% increase
- Second conversion, 100% increase
- Third conversion, 50% increase
- Fourth and Fifth conversion will not see an increase
- Marketplace Listing feed is reduced to one Star Seed
- Known Issue: You must have enough Star Seed to cover the normal listing fee, but only one Star Seed will be removed.
- Marketplace transaction fee is reduced by 5%
- Salvaging yields 20% more Artifact Shards and Artifact Cores

That’s not all, as this week players also get 25% off all Gold Jars and a 25% discount on 30-Day Marketplace Discount Tickets.
Take note that this is going to be available only for the Xbox One version and not for the PlayStation 4 closed beta.
Summer Outfits
With summer here, it’s time to enjoy the season with the new Firemane Hound mount. It’s available for 2,000 Lumena in the Lumena Shop. The offer is good until November 18.

Then there’s also the Beach Trip Headwear and Swimsuit, for 2,500 Lumena each in the Lumena Shop. Be sure to grab them before they leave the shop on September 16.