Armored Royale: Here Are Some Tips To Get Ahead In New Warzone Mode

Here's a little something to help you.
Here's a little something to help you. Activision

By now you should already know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has introduced the Armored Royale mode to Warzone. It’s a bit similar to Battle Royale Quads, with the main difference being that in this mode, teams get to use an armored Cargo Truck. This new vehicle is sure to change the gameplay as players need to come up with new strategies in order to get the win. You can read more about that here.

If you’re excited to try out this new mode, we’re ready to give some tips on how to make the most of Armored Royale.

You should know that squads start the match by dropping on their assigned armored Cargo Truck. It has a lot of armor plating and also comes equipped with a fortified gun turret and a high caliber machine gun mounted on it.

This being a truck, that means it won’t be able to go through certain areas on the map like steep cliffs and water. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings. Don’t force the truck to go through dense forests, for example, much less inside most buildings on the map.

Having this truck means that the squad has the ability to easily move around the map, which you should do. The key to this mode is to protect the truck as it can serve as the key to victory. An important thing to remember is that there is no requirement for everyone to be inside the truck all the time. A good strategy is for one member to go around and damage enemy armored vehicles, and then let your own truck arrive to finish things off.

One way to ensure that your truck survives is to buy upgrades. An armor upgrade, for example, increases the armor of the truck, obviously. Then there is the trophy upgrade which adds a system that allows the truck to intercept enemy rockets. The other enhancements are the UAV upgrade, which adds a radar sensor, and the turret upgrade. However, don't just upgrade for the sake of upgrading. Look at what’s happening in the battle and determine what upgrades should be bought first.

To get the upgrades, you’re going to need cash. You can also use cash to buy a new truck if the one you have is destroyed, although these are very expensive. Be sure to complete Contracts and find Supply Boxes to earn more cash.

Finally, be sure to come prepared, especially with Loadout Drops. Make sure to have the right equipment and weapons that can work against armored Cargo Trucks. It doesn't hurt to create a Loadout with a rocket launcher or something else that deals a large amount of damage.

What are you waiting for? Time to go online, play, and do some damage!

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