The Witcher 3 Hotfix Patch Fixes PC Crashes

CD Projekt Red has released a hotfix update on PC.
CD Projekt Red has released a hotfix update on PC. CD Projekt Red

Many would agree that the next-gen update for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been a delight so far. Unfortunately, not everyone who plays the game on PC will agree because the critically acclaimed title from CD Projekt Red keeps crashing and is almost impossible to play.

The developers at CD Projekt Red, however, have released a hotfix that should help address at least some of the issues players have experienced. These issues, by the way, also include stuttering performance.

Posting on Twitter, the studio announced that a hotfix for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on PC is out, “which should improve the overall stability and performance, and fix GOG & Steam overlays.” The studio added that the current version of the game will not change and even promised that their “teams are working on further improving the experience on all platforms.”

When CD Projekt Red rolled out Update 4.0 for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on December 14, PC players started reporting issues concerning the game’s performance. For instance, the hardware that was successfully running the game even on high settings at 60 FPS started experiencing issues when running on low settings at 30 FPS. The newly-introduced ray-tracing feature, on the other hand, was quite burdensome and eventually led to significant drops in frame rates. It even started stuttering on the new generation of Nvidia RTX 4080 graphic cards.

Players using the Steam Deck compatibility were also experiencing issues, though crashes and freezes were more frequent on PC. The solution players found was to disable the update altogether and just revert the game back to an earlier version. While it is true that ray tracing has also been a problem on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been otherwise running smoothly for the most part.

The hotfix requires at least 3 GB on Steam and 1.9 GB on GOG. So far, the results have been mixed with some still experiencing crashes and freezes. For sure, players and fans will get a better idea about how the game following the update would fare in the next coming days.

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