Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Patch 4.6 Implements a More Unified User Interface on All Platforms

Warhammer Vermintide 2 Patch 4.6
Warhammer Vermintide 2 Patch 4.6 Twitter/@VermintideGame

Patch 4.6 for the first-person action game Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is here. This massive update implements a more unified user interface on all platforms, letting developers easily apply new features to provide the best possible user experience.

Speaking of new features, Patch 4.6 brings a ton of useful additions as well. One of the most notable is the Manage Career Inventory screen. This allows you to easily manage your other careers’ abilities and inventories without manually switching to that career, thus saving time.

Another significant feature added to Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is the ability to control the melee camera movement. This gives you the power to reduce or remove the sways and movements during combat and general gameplay.

Other notable additions include bot prioritization, social wheel emotes, and a more detailed user interface. This lets you see details about HP and ammunition directly on the head-up display.

Patch Highlights

  • Kill Confirm Crosshair
    • Indicates what and when you've killed an enemy
  • Enhanced Friendly Fire Crosshair and Hit Marker
    • Shows a more differentiated hitmarker when damaging an ally
  • Equipped Items on Other Careers
    • See which items are equipped on careers other than the one you're currently playing
  • Added Persistent Ammo Counter
    • Allows you to always see your ammo stash, regardless of whether
  • Added Streamlined Weapon Upgrades
    • A new UI feature that gives you a detailed overview of your currently equipped weapon
Passive, Talents, and Perks
  • Main passive: Changed to Assassin’s Blade
    • 100% additional damage when attacking enemies with melee attacks from behind
  • Perk 1: Murderous Prowess
    • Charged melee backstabs instantly slay man-sized enemies
  • Perk 2: Blur
    • Parrying an attack and quickly dodging grants Kerillian stealth for a short duration
  • Perk 3: Dagger in the Dark
    • Melee attacks from stealth are always critical
  • Talent 2-3: Exquisite Huntress
    • Increased duration of the headshot damage buff to 10 seconds
  • Moonfire Bow and Hagbane now deal increased DoT damage on finesse hits
  • Moonfire Bow DoT now ticks 2, 4, or 6 times depending on the attack charge
  • Lowered the damage output of the Moonfire Bow DoT
UI and UX
  • Added new color-coding for subtitles to better denote who is speaking
  • The damage indicator should no longer display when the player damages themselves
  • Weapon special attacks now have a default keybind of V that can be rebound
  • Re-added Handmaiden's mocking laughter as requested by the community
  • Different Sienna DoTs are now stackable as intended. Applying the same DoT now refreshes the duration
  • Damage reduction no longer affects vent or explosion damage. Explosion damage will kill Sienna no matter how much damage reduction she has
  • Stagger fix: Weak staggers no longer override strong staggers, which originally caused enemies to very suddenly stand up when knocked down
  • Bots should no longer be able to fling themselves from ledges unprovoked. They can still be yeeted off ledges, just shouldn't navigate themselves off a ledge

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Patch 4.6 is available on PC.

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