‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Spoilers: Why Secrecy Around Negan’s Victim Was Important, According to Michael Cudlitz

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Michonne's probably safe, but who knows who took a bat from Negan.
Michonne's probably safe, but who knows who took a bat from Negan. AMC

You may’ve hated The Walking Dead Season 6 finale cliffhanger, but it gave the show an opportunity to up its game, according to cast member Michael Cudlitz.

The Walking Dead Season 7 returns Oct. 23 and will answer the question everyone wants to know: Who did Negan kill? Cudlitz, who plays Abraham on the show, explained to TV Guide why he enjoyed the secrecy around the character death and why it was important for the show.

"It's kind of been nice, in a way," Cudlitz told TV Guide. "It's been quiet, from our standpoint. We can focus on the show, focus on telling really cool stories, and focus on the work."

Cudlitz points out most of The Walking Dead Season 7 coverage has focused on the Negan victim, which isn’t the worst part of the season. Cudlitz reiterated the Lucille death is an intense moment, but it’s the rest of the season fans should be worried about.

"People are so focused on this initial moment, but the rest of the season is so much more intense than that initial moment," Cudlitz told TV Guide. "There's a brick on the accelerator on the car of The Walking Dead , and we're going off the cliff this year."

We hate to say it, but it was a smart move on The Walking Dead to go with a horrible cliffhanger. We know what happens next in the comics, but it’s hard to predict who dies since there are characters in the Negan meeting that weren’t there in the source material .

That hasn’t stopped rumors from spreading about the potential Negan victims or leaked set photos to pop up on fan forums like The Spoiling Dead. One of the rumors claim fans will get a some action from Richonne. We shipped them hard.

What are you looking forward to in The Walking Dead Season 7? Let us know in the comments below.

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