Test Your Survival Skills in Undawn, Now Available Worldwide

Undawn Official Release
It's time to fight for survival. Level Infinite

The day has finally arrived and it's time to test your survival skills in a world overrun by the infected. The free-to-play open-world survival RPG Undawn is now available for download on PC and Android and iOS devices.

In the game, you'll need to work with other players if you want to survive. What makes Undawn even more fun is that it combines PvE and PvP experiences as you try to survive in this apocalyptic wasteland. You need to defend against the threats of the shambling horde and opposing humans.

You get to join the fight as part of the Raven Squad. That means you'll need to keep an eye out for other factions: Eagles, Clowns, Night Owls, and Reivers. It's not just a fight to protect the territory since there's also the battle to survive until the next sunrise.

By the way, during your adventure you'll encounter the legendary survivor, Trey Jones. If he looks familiar, that's because he's played by Will Smith. Trey is going to serve as a guide and help you navigate the world.

Game features include:

  • Survive Your Way
    • Become the ultimate endurance expert to protect your home, allies, and whatever is left of humanity.
    • Enjoy a seamless open world filled with realistic details made possible through Unreal Engine 4.
    • Brave different types of weather while making sure to track the survival indicators of your character. Any change in the environment can affect the survival indicators in real time.
  • Play Your Way
    • Expand your world and define how you will survive in the game world.
    • Make the best of the post-apocalyptic world with different game modes and activities by getting competitive in a Grand Prix race, suiting up in a futuristic mech to bring it into battle, and composing and playing music in Band mode.
  • Arm Yourself
    • Use a wide range of weapons and armor.
    • Besides standard weapons, there are also tactical gear which can be used like melee weapons, drones, decoy bombs, and auto turrets.
    • Choose from at least 50 types of vehicles to do those quick supply runs and conquer new lands.
  • Rebuild the Ruins
    • Build a base of operations that meets your needs.
    • With the free building system, you can access at least 1,000 types and styles of furniture and structures.
    • Don't forget to search for other outposts and form alliances to fight back against the infected together.

What do you think? Can you survive?

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