'Suicide Squad' Early Review: Exciting Reactions From Early Screening Create Hype Ahead Of Aug. 5 Release [TWITTER]

The titular squad of 'Suicide Squad.'
The titular squad of 'Suicide Squad.' Warner Bros.

It would be unfair to call Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice lackluster, given its respectable results in the box office. However, it's clear that beyond the loyal fans od DC Comics, the movie received mixed reviews and some were pretty harsh. That said, Warner Brothers and the new DC Cinematic Universe cannot afford another divided opinion. Suicide Squad has to be a knockout.

The first line of reviews for Suicide Squad appeared following an early screening in May. Select lucky fans were able to watch the movie at Century 25 and XD theaters in California The lucky DC Comics fans gave the movie positive reviews following the screening, but will we still see a similar split between the opinions of unconditional fans and the critics? This week, a second screening was shown among a general audience that included non-superhero fans to gauge reactions.

Long story short, it looks like Suicide Squad is a summer movie that's not to be missed! Check out the reactions on Twitter below:

So there you have it. Not only did Suicide Squad receive positive reactions over all, shout outs were given to almost every single member of the cast and even director David Ayer. Suicide Squad arrives on Aug. 5.

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