Netflix October 2015 Horror Movies: 9 Unexpected Gems For Halloween Streaming

The bizarre monster at the heart of THE BRAINIAC.
The bizarre monster at the heart of THE BRAINIAC. Clasa-Mohme

The horror movie selection available on Netflix leaves a lot to be desired. Loaded with junk like A Haunted House 2, American Psycho 2, Devil, Darkness Falls, and every Children of the Corn movie, it can be hard to find anything worth watching on Netflix. Thankfully Netflix has a handful of obvious classics like Day of the Dead, Rosemary’s Baby, Re-Animator, Scream, The Omen, and Scream 2, plus new horror hits like The Host and The Babadook. But if you’ve seen those then it’s time to start digging. Here are nine unexpected horror movie gems available for streaming October 2015, perfect for Halloween.

Netflix October 2015 Horror Movies For Halloween Streaming

The Monster Squad

Let’s start with something easy. If you’re an 80’s child The Monster Squad probably isn’t unfamiliar, but younger millennials may have not heard word of this deliriously fun monster mash from 1987. Written by Shane Black, writer-director of Iron Man 3 and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Monster Squad throws together Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf-Man, and GillMan. So kick Wolfman in the nards and watch The Monster Squad.


One of the only good zombie movies to come out of the wave of increasingly desperate, high concept gimmick zombies that characterized the zombie fad’s midpoint, Pontypool is about a radio station host inadvertently caught at the center of an outbreak of infected language. The memetic viral outbreak is played mostly off-screen with chilling, high-wire tension as the truth unspools for a radio DJ stuck delivering the horrific news. This is how you make a unique zombie movie that isn’t just a lame gimmick. If you’ve seen Day of the Dead already then Pontypool is your only good zombie movie option for Netflix streaming this October.

The Brainiac

Mexican horror doesn’t get enough play in the United States, so it was surprising to find this early 60’s Mexican horror gem streaming on Netflix. The Brainiac is not a very good movie, but it captures the blend of melodrama, Catholicism, cheap sets, and supernatural spectacle that characterize Mexico’s own B-Horror movie scene. The Brainiac doesn’t have the majesty of The Black Pit of Dr. M, but it’s a great way to dip your toes into a fascinating horror movie scene.


While positioned to be a mainstream break-out for WWE Studios, this horror movie starring Karen Gillan, Katee Sackhoff and a haunted mirror is a disorientingly bizarre experience. Because the evil mirror is capable of distorting reality, it’s impossible to tell what’s real and what’s illusion in Oculus. With no objective grounding, Oculus is like a schlocky, B-horror Last Year At Marienbad and it’s available on Netflix for streaming.


This haunted submarine movie didn’t take off upon release in 2002, but it’s a spooky and worthwhile pick that stands above most of the Netflix horror movie streaming catalog. Directed by David Twohy in between Riddick entries (would it dissuade you from Below to learn I have soft spot for The Chronicles of Riddick?), Below is kind of like Event Horizon, but underwater.

The Relic

If you love 90’s monster movies like Tremors then you’ll enjoy The Relic. It’s a perfectly middle-of-the-road monster on the loose movie, as the Kothoga tears up trapped museum guests. If you’re a fan of creature features The Relic will tide you over until Netflix gets a better horror movie selection streaming.

The Sacrament

Ti West at his worst is better than most horror directors at their best. While not as good as The House of The Devil (also available for streaming on Netflix) or The Innkeepers, The Sacrament is about as good as found footage can get (it’s just too bad the medium doesn’t allow for West’s typical meticulous shot composition), lightly fictionalizing the Jonestown Massacre (and adding a bizarre Vice tie-in) and giving character Gene Jones one hell of a showcase for creepy grand-dad scenery chewing.


In the grand Peter Jackson tradition, Housebound proves that New Zealand is still one of the best incubators of horror-comedy talent. This 2014 haunted house movies has a great cast of oddball characters, some fun twists, and slapstick violence.

Troll Hunter

Has everybody seen this? I have genuinely zero sense what the mainstream penetration was for this delightful Norwegian horror movie. Taking fairy tales seriously, Troll Hunter is loaded with bridge trolls, mountain trolls, trolls thirsty for Christian blood, and multi-headed, bulbous-snouted fun. Both hilarious and a rollicking adventure, Troll Hunter is Cloverfield’s goofy younger brother.

The Netflix horror movie selection is wanting, but there are a few good movies to be dug out of the cess pit. Have you come across any other unexpected horror gems in the Netflix streaming library? As it stands, Netflix has enough horror movies to get you through Halloween, but you’ll have to cast a wider net if you want to keep the nightmares up through the rest of 2015.

Check out our recommendations for the best horror movies streaming on Hulu Plus right here.

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