Sony Won’t Have PS5 Games On PSVR Anytime Soon

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Sony has had some disappointments for PlayStation 5 fans, which include major preorder issues, custom faceplate companies having a dispute with Sony, and PSVR not fully supporting the PS5. The PSVR headset will have full backwards compatibility with the PlayStation 5, but you will need a camera adapter to connect the camera to the PlayStation 5. Sony is offering the PSVR adapter for free to the people who already have a PSVR headset. You can request the PSVR adapter over here.

Sony has confirmed some games such as Hitman 3 and No Man’s Sky will only be supported in VR if you buy the PlayStation 4 versions of the games, even if you play on the PlayStation 5. Some developers such as IO Interactive and Hello Games are offering free upgrades and content transfers for their PlayStation 4 digital variants of their games. However, it has not been confirmed by the developers whether you can change between PS4 and PS5 mode for PSVR support after upgrading to the PS5 version.

“PlayStation believes in VR. Sony believes in VR, and we definitely believe at some point in the future, VR will represent a meaningful component of interactive entertainment,” Jim Ryan, the President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment stated in a recent interview. “And we’re very pleased with all the experience that we’ve gained with PlayStation VR, and we look forward to seeing where that takes us in the future.” This quote from Ryan could be hinting at potential development for the PSVR 2 in the near future.

Sony might be planning on making the PSVR 2 according to some leaked job listings, but it might take a while until the company releases any hypothetical headsets. Until then, VR fans don’t really have a choice but to wait for Sony to reveal their plans.

So what do you think about developers allowing backwards compatibility for PSVR support? Do you think Sony and the other developers will follow IO Interactive and Hello Games for allowing players to experience PSVR, even on the PlayStation 5? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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