Rust Console Edition: Update 1.23 Brings Some Useful Changes and Bug Fixes

Rust Console Edition
Rust Console Edition Twitter/@playrustconsole

Rust Console Edition got a new update recently. Update 1.23 brings some very useful changes and much-needed bug fixes.

If you were clamoring for a feature that would prevent you from accidentally picking things up, you’re in luck. The developers have heard you, which is why you're now required to hold the “pick up” button if there’s something you want to get.

The Rocket Launcher is quite an effective weapon, but its six-second deploy time may force you to explore other options. Fortunately, the deployment time has been reduced to just three seconds.

For bug fixes, some clipping issues have been resolved. For instance, you will no longer clip through the ceiling of the Gas Station monument.

Also, the issue where you could lose the ability to jump when someone dies on top of your head is now fixed.

Update 1.23 Highlights

  • Increased the allowed building range for the Supermarket monument
  • Players are now able to use gestures in more ways. Like while sitting in a chair for example
  • The AI for the bear was slightly adjusted. Players could run in circles around them, without being attacked
  • Radiation logo no longer disappears when entering areas with high radiation
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when connecting to a server
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when players kicked for being idle
  • Fixed a bug causing the laser sight to be invisible to other players
  • Fixed corpses clipping into the terrain when spawned in shallow water
  • Fixed a bug that caused damage to a boat when holding a jackhammer in the active inventory slot while navigating the vehicle
  • Fixed the particle effects for the M39 Rifle
  • Fixed an issue causing the Planters to become unavailable after the pumpkins grow over them
  • Fixed a bug causing the ADS sensitivity to not work properly when the weapon had two or more attachments in it
  • Fixed a bug causing players to be able to cancel the torch extinguish animation
  • Fixed an issue causing the UI sounds to sometimes glitch out
  • Fixed an audio bug causing the Bradley APC sound to cut out at certain distances
  • Fixed an issue causing the Inventory sounds to not play, when cycling between the pages
  • Implemented a fix so the repair audio comes in front of the point of impact instead of the center of the object

Rust Console Edition Update 1.23 is available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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