PS4 Pro Release Date News: Why You Should Hold Off Buying Sony's High-Spec PlayStation

The PS4 Pro releases on Nov. 10, but the high-spec console isn't suited for most gamers. Between cost, 4K and content support, we've listed five reasons to hold off. The standard PS4 is available now for $299.
The PS4 Pro releases on Nov. 10, but the high-spec console isn't suited for most gamers. Between cost, 4K and content support, we've listed five reasons to hold off. The standard PS4 is available now for $299. Sony Interactive Entertainment/Twitter

PS4 Pro releases Nov. 10, but we think most gamers should hold off on buying Sony’s high-spec PlayStation on that date. Between performance, cost and support, here’s why a little patience may go a long way.

1) No Real Performance Benefit: The PS4 Pro has spec boosts that make it about twice as powerful as a standard PS4, but that horsepower isn’t really going where it should be. Instead of making sure consumers have consistent 1080p/60fps experiences for the remainder of this generation, all Sony chose to advertise was 4K upconversion. That limits its use to the vast majority of people that have, and are still happy with, 1080p TVs.

Obviously it’s theoretically possible that PS4 Pro’s upgraded chips could be used to offer stabilized 1080p performance, but there hasn’t been much evidence to support that at all. In that case, waiting after release to see how things play out is a good idea. Gamers like high-res stuff, but isn’t performance better for everyone?

2) The PS4 Is Cheaper Than Ever: In addition to announcing the PS4 Pro, Sony also brought out a redesigned standard PS4 that’s just $299. For just $299, consumers can enjoy the market-leading console and its entire library of games. Why pay $400 for a PS4 Pro when there’s a cheaper and still effective one available? The standard PS4 is also a proven success with more than 40 million units sold. Developers will never shy away from that install base.

Gaming on consoles can be an expensive habit. If there’s a chance to get great tech for cheap, it’s hard to ignore.

3) Lack Of Support: As it stands right now, there are only about 30 games with confirmed PS4 Pro support. The list includes high-profile third-party releases like Mass Effect: Andromeda and Rise Of The Tomb Raider, as well as first-party juggernauts like Days Gone and Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Thirty is a pretty solid number, but it’s worth pointing out that it pales in comparison to the total library of PS4 titles in development. Not only that, but almost no games purchased prior to this year will be updated with a patch. Even major hits like Destiny and The Witcher 3 aren’t being updated. What this data tells us is that developers are still unsure about what to do with the PS4 Pro. It’s a gamble to immediately invest $400 in a console that might only matter for a handful of experiences down the line.

4) It Basically Requires 4K: We touched on this a bit in point number one, but it’s worth reiterating. As Sony has advertised it, the main reason to buy a PlayStation 4 Pro is because it supports 4K visuals and HDR. That’s all well and good, but, in order to see that improvement, a compatible TV costs north of $1,000 at the time of writing.

Obviously the people that already invested in the right display can ignore this point entirely. The PS4 Pro may actually be suitable for that small group. However, most consumers will have to buy that TV along with the console to get the best of it at release. That’s a monstrous expense, and the gap gets all the more monstrous when the standard PS4 is so cheap.

5) Backwards Compatibility: As a half-step console, all PS4 games for the foreseeable future will function across the standard PS4 and PS4 Pro. That means anyone that owns a PS4 currently, or is looking to buy one, can use the standard version without fear that they won’t be able to experience the ecosystem’s best content.

All of those games listed in section three have announced PS4 Pro tweaks, but it’s safe to assume they’ll play just fine on any PlayStation 4 sku on the market. Why take the leap to the Pro so quickly when every single game will still be waiting for you on a cheaper option? Yes the pixels may look sharper on the Pro, but, as we’ve said, there seemingly won’t be a general performance edge to speak of. At some point games are games, and lots of games are coming to all PS4s.

The standard PS4 is available now. PS4 Pro hits retail on Nov. 10.

Do you plan on buying a PS4 Pro at release? Will its specs be used in ways that benefit 1080p? Tell us in the comments section!

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