Phasmophobia VR Introduces New Hiding Spots in Update

Phasmophobia Steam

Phasmophobia is back with another update, but this time, it focuses more on the VR side of things. Update introduces new hiding spots, game performance changes, and several bug fixes.

Bleasdale Farmhouse received a lot of changes in this update. Starting this is the addition of a hiding spot in the ground floor office, which is messy. The lobby isn’t the best place to hide, but the changes brought a new hiding spot that can be found behind the grandfather clock. These places are decent to hide in, but it’s best to keep moving when there is no one near you.

Several other things have been moved around the map as well, so don’t be too surprised if you see something different.

Phasmophobia VR Update

  • Adjusted the intensity and range of some lights in Edgefield
  • All scrollbars in VR have been replaced by up and down buttons
  • Moved the Tanglewood Utility door from the kitchen to the hallway
  • Adjusted some materials in Tanglewood
  • Adjusted the position of the VR journal grab point
  • Added buttons to scroll up and down in the EULA in VR
  • The grip force required to grab objects in VR with an Index controller has been reduced
  • Held items in VR will no longer be dropped if your hand moves too far away
  • Updated the main journal font to work with more languages instead of using a fallback font
  • Fixed a bug where the reflections in some areas would be the skybox color
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t take photos of fingerprints on the patio doors
  • Fixed a bug where keyboard fingerprints used the wrong texture and were clipping
  • Fixed a bug where the Obake unique light-switch fingerprint wasn't obvious enough
  • Fixed a bug where the fingerprints were in the wrong location on the dirty light switches
  • Fixed an issue where the Truck monitor font was only set up for English localization
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't navigate the main menu UI using a gamepad/controller
  • Fixed a bug where ghost events and interactions wouldn’t work with the Willow Garage door

You can read more about the update here.

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