Pewdiepie Starts A Ton Of 'YouTube Drama' In Newest Video

Pewdiepie with his special beard
Pewdiepie with his special beard YouTube

I can’t believe I’m saying it, but Pewdiepie is getting kind of funny.

In April 2016, Pewdipie released a video talking about how drama is affecting YouTube’s content. People love to watch people fight and call each other names because it’s fun to watch. Channels like DramaAlert and Scarce have glorified in-fighting, giving monetary rewards to muckrakers who want nothing more than to dirty people’s reputations.

Pewdiepie’s newest video, “YOUTUBE DRAMA **PART 2**” takes a stab at nearly every popular YouTuber because Pewds wants more views (the video is at half a million after being posted three hours ago). He “goes after” every popular YouTuber including Markiplier , Keemstar and even Boogie2988 . Of course these are all said in jest and not meant to piss anyone off, but that’s not going to stop people. Nobody gets to call VideoGameDunkey “not black” but Sky Williams.

Pewds has come a long way since doing Let’s Plays on Five Nights At Freddy’s .

Having drama on your YouTube channel has become the easiest way to get people to watch, The most watched video by iDubbbz to date is his Content Cop about Leafyishere , which consisted of childish mudslinging about chins and bad editing. Leafy then released his own video countering iDubbbz claims to which iDubbbz released another video . It’s an endless cycle that ended up with both channels netting tens of millions of views, and a lot of money.

YouTube drama isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so I can’t blame Pewdiepie for trying to cash in on the trend, Hell, I’m doing the same thing by writing about it.

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