'Overwatch' Unity Day Rumors: Will Doomfist Ruin Numbani Celebration?

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Doomfist posters in Numbani
Doomfist posters in Numbani Overwatch

The Overwatch Year Of The Rooster isn’t even over yet, but fans (myself included) are dying for the next event. Since Blizzard’s hero shooter debuted last summer, we’ve already had four events: Summer Olympics, Halloween, Winter Wonderland and now Chinese New Year.

Following this trend of popular, non-denominational holidays, you’d think that Valentine’s Day would be a perfect fit for the next Overwatch event. The PlayOverwatch Twitter account bashed my dreams of ever getting an Easter Bunny D.Va skin with just one tweet.

Blizzard has said they plan on making more seasonal events, so what could the next one be? Some internet speculators think that it might have to do with Unity Day and Doomfist. I don’t believe Doomfist is going to be the next hero in Overwatch , but that doesn’t mean he might not have a major role in the game. Athena is just an A.I. program, but she’s done more for the game’s story than D.Va, Mei and Lucio combined.

What Is Unity Day?

In the Overwatch universe, Numbani is a technological oasis where omnics and humans can live together peacefully. On the eve of Unity Day, a holiday that celebrates the city’s founding, anonymous threats have been coming in about someone wanting to steal the Doomfist gauntlet. You can see all these little details on the map on Numbani, if you spend time reading all the screens and layouts.

We aren’t entirely sure when Unity Day is, but it makes perfect sense as the focus of the next Overwatch event. The OW team constantly says they want their game to be unique, which is one of the reasons they are forgoing Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s day events. What if the Doomfist gauntlet was stolen and it was our job to get it back? It could be a PVE Brawl, like Junkenstein’s Terror, where it is our job to slay all the Talon agents who want the glove of power.

This is pure speculation, but combined with the broken Doomfist payload, it doesn’t seem to far out of the realm of possibility. Doomfist may not be playable, but protecting its legacy does make sense.

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