NHL 21 Update 1.2 Now Live On All Platforms, Patch Notes Here

NHL 21
NHL 21 Business Wire

The latest yearly installment of professional hockey games, NHL 21, was released last month. As you might expect from any newly released video game, we are already getting massive updates for NHL 21. Update 1.2 went live just today for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and it's a big one.

NHL 21 update 1.2 makes several improvements to goalies. Multiple goalie stances and glove save animations have been improved. Goalie AI has been worked on and puck cover also saw several improvements. Additionally, new jerseys have been added, on-ice art has been updated, and tons of issues with World of CHEL have been addressed.

A small portion of the NHL 21 update 1.2 patch notes are mentioned below. The complete patch notes can be read on the official site.




  • Updated shot quality impact for shots that are taken from non-ideal shot locations (reaching and shots in tight to the body)
  • Fixed a specific case where a penalty shot was called despite the player not having a clean break
  • Fixes for pickup consistency while the puck is around the net and goaltenders
  • Fixed a few specific pickups where tall players were having trouble picking up the puck
  • Fixed some cases where reviewed goals were overriding goalie interference situations
  • Fixed a case where players were unable to get back on the ice after taking coincidental roughing penalties


  • Fixed a case where stick on stick contact wasn't being recognized
  • Various post whistle and scrum player alignment fixes
  • Fixed various cases where players would lose the puck unintentionally when blending between animations
  • Fixed some cases where collisions along the boards were leading to either no hit reaction or a smaller reaction than expected
  • Fixes to pass blocks where the puck was able to get under/through the stick


  • Animation improvements to various goalie stances
  • Added glove down butterfly proximity for old school goalie stances
  • Various goalie save animation improvements
  • Tuned Goalie redirects to avoid some rare collisions where they could redirect the puck off themself
  • Improvements to save selection for Human goalies
  • Reduced the chance of the AI goalie triggering a preemptive desperation save when they still have time to get back into position
  • General tuning for how the ai goalie tracks the puck
  • Various puck cover improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the goalie would sometimes spin when attempting an on ice cover


  • Improved some Defensive AI gap control cases while defending against the rush
  • Fixed a case where puck carriers could split the defensemen while the defenders switched their coverage on the rush
  • Improved weak side defender coverage in front of the net
  • Fixed an issue where a player would sometimes choose to start a net battle after starting to intercept which would unintentionally allow pucks through
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