New 'Suicide Squad' Trailer Reveals The Goofier Side of Career Super-Villains

Day of the Dead meets pop culture
Day of the Dead meets pop culture Warner Bros

At the MTV Movie awards Sunday night, we got a brand new trailer for Suicide Squad. The movie is kind of in a state of disarray; Warner Bros. ordered more footage to make the movie lighter. Think less Batman vs. Super man (since that turned out to be a bit of a bomb) and more Guardians of the Galaxy .

This trailer gives us a pop-rock soundtrack of “Ballroom Blitz” and quips and one-liners out of Harley Quinn and Deadshot. Jared Leto’s Joker looks like a cross between Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger, if they both liked to snort glue. We get brief glimpses of Batman on the top of Joker’s car, cape swishing in the wind.

I want to have high hopes for the Suicide Squad , but the more I see, the more I’m worried. The premise of this group is that they are all expendable and can die at any moment. Most of them are angry killers; Katana has no desire to sit down at a bar and relax for a bit. For a team of eight, there seems to be a whole lot of attention put on the “jokes” aspect of the group. I don’t think we’ve seen more than five seconds of Killer Croc total in these trailers.

I understand Will Smith costs a lot of money and Harley Quinn is super popular, but that can’t be the focus of the movie. The comics work best when we care for the whole group, D-listers and all.

Suicide Squad comes out Aug. 5.

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