With the Injustice 2 character reveals coming almost weekly now heading into its May release date, the host of UpUpDownDown has revealed that the next one will be released on his channel on Monday, March 13.
Xavier Woods, WWE Superstar and host of the YouTube gaming channel UpUpDownDown took to Twitter to announce the exclusive reveal of the next Injustice 2 character.
Peep Woods’ tweet from NetherRealm Studios.
This is happening today. Getting info on @InjusticeGame - EXCLUSIVE character reveal coming on @UpUpDwnDwn next Monday at 10am! pic.twitter.com/1YahpDEwKK
— Austin Creed @ Home (@XavierWoodsPhD) March 6, 2017
The Injustice 2 character roster will be much bigger than the original with a lot of returning characters being added as well as brand new ones being included.
Doctor Fate was just announced at this year’s GDC with Swamp Thing being revealed a couple weeks before him. The first gameplay footage of Poison Ivy, another new addition to Injustice 2, was released recently as well.
Whether the upcoming Injustice 2 character reveal will be a returning fighter or a brand new one is not known but there are plenty of characters from the original Injustice that have not found their way in any promotional material.
Bane was revealed in an Injustice 2 story trailer at the same time Poison Ivy was so perhaps fans will get the first look at Bane with the new gear system and revamped super powers.
The Injustice 2 character reveal will appear on the UpUpDownDown on Monday, March 13 at 10am EST.
So who do you think will be the next Injustice 2 character reveal? Give us your best guesses in the comments section below.