Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Patch e1.6.4 Reduces Some Armor Values, Implements Crash Fixes

Mount & Blade: Bannerlord
Mount & Blade: Bannerlord TaleWorlds Entertainment

TaleWorlds Entertainment, the creator of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, has released the final version of Patch e.1.6.4. There are additional changes that were added since the beta patch, so do read on to find out what’s new.

Patch e1.6.4 has reduced the armor values of Half Scaled Barding and Scale Barding to 40 and 50, respectively.

Besides that, this patch resolved crashing issues in single-player. The crash that could occur when garrison parties move out of settlements, for example, has been fixed. Another fix is for the game crash when navigating through the encyclopedia screen.

If you are into modding, there is a nifty addition that will show you an error if there are faulty lines found in the XML files. The error message will also outline the details.

Patch e1.6.4 Changelog


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the quest giver lost control of the quest settlement during the "Revenue Farming" quest
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while declaring peace while the join encounter menu was open
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after interacting with a party or settlement in older save files
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while upgrading troops on the party screen
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the main hero died while the selected heir was in the main party
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while sorting the encyclopedia by garrison size
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while inspecting the food change value in the encounter overlay
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a siege machine was used while playing a combat animation
  • Fixed a bug that caused marriage barters to incorrectly become acceptable by resetting the barter
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the parameters of the face from being changed during character creation
  • Fixed a bug that caused periodic events to not be saved and to reset after load
  • Reduced Half Scaled Barding armor value to 40 (from 76)
  • Reduced Scale Barding armor value to 50 (from 125)


  • Fixed a client-side crash that occurred while connecting to a server


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when launching the game
  • Fixed a bug that caused ranged units to chase the enemy without respecting the position set by their formation
  • Fixed a bug that caused horse archers to aim at nonoptimal targets given their current position


  • Errors with XMLs will now show an error with the faulty line and details

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Patch e1.6.4 is now available on PC.

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