‘Legends Of Tomorrow’ Season 2 Spoilers: How Does Legion Of Doom Come Together?

The DC TV lineup for Fall 2016
The DC TV lineup for Fall 2016 Warner Bros.

It looks like Darhk and Reverse-Flash are no longer villains for Green Arrow and Flash -- they’ve moved over to JSA and Legends territory. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 premiere, “Out of Time,” saw Damien Darhk and Reverse-Flash team up to bomb New York City in 1942. But there were two familiar, villainous faces missing in the Legends premiere: Captain Cold and Malcolm Merlyn.

It was revealed at San Diego Comic-Con in July that Malcolm Merlyn (The Dark Archer), ex-Legend Captain Cold (Len Snart), Reverse-Flash and Damien Darhk would work together under the name Legion of Doom. So when can we expect this supervillain group to officially form?

Reverse-Flash actor Matt Letscher explained to Access Hollywood the evil group will form slowly, but surely. “It comes along slowly, they find each other, he seems to be the driving force behind it at this point. Over the course of the beginning of the season, they find each other in various points in time, literally, various points in the vast timeline. They start to work together as the Legion of Doom to cause trouble in the timeline,” Letscher said.

All these villains are well-versed in time-travel, but what common agenda brings them together remains to be seen. Why are they all traveling through time in the first place? Particularly Captain Cold, once thought to be dead, and Malcolm Merlyn, who usually stays under the radar.

Letscher went on to talk about what it’s like working his fellow Legion of Doom members.

“When they [the producers] called me about the job, this was one of the first things they pitched, they said “we’re going to be doing this Legion of Doom and here’s who is going to be in it” and that’s really all I had to hear. That sounds like so much fun! In this second season, they really are leaning on the humor. They are really having a good time with these characters and it’s fun, it’s a lot of fun. Working with Neal, working with John [Barrowman, who plays Malcolm Merlyn], these are very high-quality actors, I’m lucky to be doing it.”

Malcolm Merlyn has yet to be seen in Arrow Season 5. Captain Cold is expected show up on The Flash in the next couple episodes. Mirror Master and The Top come to Central City looking to “even the score,” according to the episode synopsis. What do they want with Snart and how did he survive the Oculus explosion that supposedly killed him in the Legends season finale?

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