'League Of Legends' Patch 6.24: 5 Things You Need To Know To Get Ready For Season 7

Warring Kingdom Azir is now on the PBE
Warring Kingdom Azir is now on the PBE Surrender@20

League of Legends season 7 starts tomorrow, which means it’s time for a new patch. The patch notes for LOL patch 6.24 just dropped, the one where they try to balance out all the craziness from the preseason. Reworks get tweaked, the jungle gets buffed and major items and masteries get some serious nerfs. Here are the top five changes coming to League Of Legends in patch 6.24.

Reworked Champions Get A Bit More Tweaking

The preseason brought with it a ton of crazy stuff, including assassin reworks. Riot has been working on making these champions feel fluid, so they are tweaking them just a bit more. Katarina has a bit more early game damage on her daggers, Kog’maw deals more damage with his Bio-Arcane Barrage, Leblanc has less health regen but gets more damage on her Shatter Orb and Akali’s passive now works on structures.

Updates To Older Champions

The reworked jungle really hurt a ton of older junglers, and Riot has realized this. Fiddlesticks , who was useless for the last two patches, is finally getting some love. Drain deals more damage in the early game and Dark Wind has a three to one second lower cooldown, depending on rank. Garen shreds armor on the fourth tick on his spin-to-win, which should give him just enough power to be useful. Nidalee got 5.12 AD, I’m not entirely sure why.

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter Got Nerfed, Hard

Applying an incredibly powerful slow on single target and AOE spells is just too good to pass up, which is why Rylai’s Crystal Scepter was a must buy for most mages. Riot doesn’t want this meta to be stale and calculated, so they are nerfing its ability to slow and lowering its cost by 600 gold. The rod now slows for 20 percent for one second in all cases.

Courage Of The Colossus And Fervor Of Battle Got Nerfed Harder

The standout mastery this preseason has been Courage Of The Colossus. Getting a strong early game shield on a low cooldown is a must have for supports and top lane bruisers. The cooldown is now 45 seconds at level one, scaling down to the original 30. The shield only gives 5 percent of your health and maxes out at 25 percent. Not to be outdone, Fervor Of Battle also got slapped fairly hard. It’s stacks only last six seconds, you can have a max of eight stacks and the damage has been lowered a bit.

Client Changes

That new, beautiful client we just got is getting a few new toys. Rotating Game Modes are being added, you can spectate friend’s games, you can change keybindings out of game (!!!) and a lower settings option.

Are you ready for Patch 6.24? Tell us in the comments.

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