'League of Legends' Patch 6.11: The One Where They Nerf Champions For Pro Play

Patch 6.11 nerfs LCS main stays
Patch 6.11 nerfs LCS main stays Riot
Riot's handy Tl:DR Patch Notes for 6.11
Riot's handy Tl:DR Patch Notes for 6.11 Riot

Patch 6.10 left the League of Legends landscape pretty devastated, with Swain becoming the most OP champion since 6.9 Malzahar. Patch 6.11 notes just came out (a day late) and thankfully they are nerfing the bird man. His healing in teamfights was to much, so they lowered his ultimate’s healing against champions. Riot also nerfed his Decrepify damage so that Swain has no chance of ever becoming this god-tier again.

Illaio, Vel’Koz, Jax Taliyah and Corki all got minor buffs, though I’m not sure they will really affect the game very much.

Plenty of other professionally played champions got nerfed:

  • Maokai lost some base healing and his Arcane Smash has a longer cooldown at earlier ranks.

  • To prepare for Anivia’s return to the LCS, Glacial Storm costs 10 mana more at first rank.

  • Tank Ekko got another nerf, his passive has a two second longer cooldown, Timewinder and Chronobreak have lower base damage but higher AP ratios and Parallel Convergence stuns for half a second less.

  • Azir , the king of the mid lane, got another smack with the nerf bat. His ultimate only lasts for three seconds, down from five to seven. Allies no longer get a movement speed buff when walking through the Emperor's Divide

  • Nidalee had a semi-global passive, but not anymore. Riot’s logic is that unless Nidalee can actually see her enemies, she shouldn’t get a movement speed bonus. Prowl has a 1400 range, down from 5500 (!!!!!) Pounce has a longer reset cooldown, going down from 70 percent to 40 percent at rank one.

  • Zed , everyone’s most hated mid lane assassin, got a huge nerf for bad players but a buff for good ones. Razor Shuriken has lower base damage and a slightly smaller AD ratio, but deals 25 percent more damage when hitting multiple targets

  • Ever since his rework, Ryze has either been too powerful or absolute garbage. Right now he’s the former, so they are lowering his Overload damage and increasing Overload’s cooldown at later ranks by 10 to 20 seconds.

  • Kindred got some of her power reshuffled. Her passive has a 15-second longer cooldown and now marks enemy jungle camps depending on how many stacks she has, relying less on RNG and game length is always good. Dance of Arrows has lower base damage, but gains five damage from each stack she has, scaling indefinitely. Mounting Dread deals less damage early and only slows by 50 percent instead of 70 percent.

  • The biggest nerfs of all go to Lucian , who has been the best ADC for at least three patches now. Piercing Light lost 200 range and has a much lower AD ratio at max rank. Ardent Blaze also lost 100 range. These nerfs might seem tiny, but they will seriously down tone down Lucian’s mid-game power spike, putting him closer to the rest of the ADCs.

Items got some major changes this patch though:

  • Boots of Swiftness have been the best boots for a few patches now, even though Riot keeps nerfing them. Riot is giving them another nerf, lowering their movement speed by five.

  • Berserker Greaves gain five percent more attack speed. They will still be the best boots for ADCs and Jax.

  • Ninja Tabi gained two percent attack reduction.

  • Here’s the big one. Trinity Force has always been the go-to item for doing tons of damage (shout out to the Phreak god), but was struggling to find its place after the Sheen change. Riot is removing Zeal from its build path and replacing it with Stinger . TF no longer gives Critical Chance, instead giving Attack Speed.

  • Stinger costs 100 more gold and loses 15 percent attack speed.

  • Wit’s End costs less, which will make it a worthy buy for some champions, but will still be gimmicky on most.

What’s going to be your new Corki build on Patch 6.11? Tell us in the comments!

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