League Of Legends Honor Guide: How To Get Hextech Keys, Exclusive Skins And More

Kayn is an honorable assassin.
Kayn is an honorable assassin. Riot Games

League Of Legends new Honor system is live , revamping the outdated “beg for honor and get a ribbon” system. Combining encouraging play with Hextech Crafting rewards, Riot Games has managed to release a system that makes you want to be a good player. There’s a lot to know about Honor, so here’s a handy guide as to how you can get awesome borders and a few retired skins.

How Honor Works

In the old system, players could give as much Honor to whoever they wanted and then the top players got a border. It was boring and could be abused pretty easily, which is why this rework was so necessary. Now, players at the end of a match go to a new screen where all of their teammates waiting. You can pick one teammate and give them one of three honorable titles:

Stayed Cool- Even under that massive amount of flaming your Nunu jungle gave him, your Draven held his own, eventually carrying the game. League can be a pretty stressful game and sometimes it’s nice to get a little pat on the back from your teammates for a job well done.

Great Shotcalling- We’ve all had that one teammate that keeps it together when everything else is falling apart. Mid is shouting at top for feeding, jungle wants the support to ward more while the support wants the jungle to gank more. In the midst of all that chaos, your ADC types in chat “we got this” and you somehow go on to win the game. That player deserves all the honor.

GG <3- Did you have fun but they flamed or made bad calls? Give them a good game and hope that little bit of honor makes their day better.

Once you vote, the client takes you to the normal end-game lobby where you can see how many honors you received. If you get over three, you get a special lobby icon and a loading screen border for your next game.

Honor Levels

Every player, who isn’t currently under some sort of suspension or punishment, starts at Honor level two. If you are a toxic troll, you get nothing.

As you play more games, even if nobody honors you, your level will incrementally increase. Key fragments no longer drop randomly from games. When you get a Hextech Chest, they come from playing games and not getting an in-game penalty, like a chat restriction. Keys come when you log in, not in the end-game lobby screen.

Riot Games has plans to give rewards to players who participated in the original Honor system, as well as those who score high levels in the coming weeks and months. Like end of season rewards for hitting Gold and above, you’ll get something awesome for growing your level of honor.

Here are the Honor levels and the rewards you can receive

Honor Level 0/1- You get nothing because Riot thinks you’re toxic.

Honor Level 2- Key fragments, nothing really changes

Honor Level 3- Honor Capsules, filled with a skin shard and the chance at the exclusive Gray Warwick or Kingpin Twitch skins. You’ll also get a loading screen flair for your next game if two pre-made allies or one stranger honors you.

Honor Level 4/5- Fancier loading screen flairs and a bigger honor emblem.

I think this Honor system is way too complicated, but it’s better than what we have. I never got enough Hextech keys to open my chests, so hopefully this change allows me to get more free stuff in League Of Legends . Still, the whole level system is convoluted and hard to follow unless you are a diehard League addict.

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