Knockout Home Fitness: Top Features to Push Active Lifestyle

Time to work it.
Time to work it. XSEED Games

Video games are often related to a sedentary lifestyle but not all titles are about sitting down and pressing buttons. A good example is Knockout Home Fitness, an upcoming title by XSEED Games. This fitness game offers high-intensity workouts and features moves inspired by martial arts, and it’s coming for the Nintendo Switch this fall.

The game was first released in Japan as FiNC Home Fit. It’s safe to say that Knockout Home Fitness has the total package when it comes to intense moves. Some exercises can work your upper body while others make sure your lower body is also involved.

With a workout program made specifically for Switch, Knockout Home Fitness is sure to help you get those great results fast. Indeed, the short and intense full-body workouts were developed by experts to burn calories. Activities include boxing and martial arts like Muay Thai, karate, and kung fu.

Key features of the game include:

  • Real full-body fitness.
    • Try 60 courses that have been created for all business levels.
  • ​Daily workouts in about 15 minutes.
    • Players are given various choices that can fit any lifestyle or schedule.
    • The 3-Minute Fitness Mode gives players a selection of high-intensity workouts.
    • The Personal Training Mode offers different daily exercise routines including stretches that can be finished in five minutes.
  • Track progress and stay focused on results.
    • The game has a “My Report” function which displays workout frequency, length, and calories burned.
    • It also logs completed actions.
  • Four personality-driven trailers.
    • Choose from four personal trainers with personalities that can fit a player’s coaching style.
    • Trainers range from friendly to strict.
    • Trainers can deliver customized daily routines that are in line with the player’s goals.
    • Trainers also make sure things are fresh with new activities handed out each day.

In a statement, XSEED Games Executive Vice President Kenji Hosoi admitted that sticking to a fitness routine is by itself already challenging. He added that with this upcoming game, users can experience an intense daily workout in just 15 minutes. Hosoi hopes that this should keep motivation high for users to come back for more each day.

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