Hearthstone Cart Crash At The Crossroads Tavern Brawl Guide: What Classes Work Best Together?

Bleh. Blizzard

This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is “Cart Crash At The Crossroads,” where players pick two classes and then smash their decks together. You start off with a single class, then picking a second one out of three random options on your first turn. You can slap Warrior onto Shaman or Priest onto Mage. Literally any combination of classes is possible.

Here are a few tips and tricks you might want to know before crashing carts:

  • All of the decks in “Cart Crash At The Crossroads” are randomized, combining neutral minions with whatever two classes you pick. Like most Tavern Brawl with pre-made decks, there isn’t a lot you can do if you get really bad cards. I played Hunter/Druid with a King Krush, Astral Communion and Swipe in my opening hand. My opponent quickly finished me off, leaving me just a tad bit salty.

  • This Tavern Brawl will leave you super salty. If you lose your mind in Standard Hearthstone games that you deserved to win, but your opponent just drew the one card they needed, then this mode will raise your blood pressure to new levels. My opponent has four life and I’m playing Hunter with Warlock. I get ready to collect my win and my free pack, until I hear the way too familiar “we’re going to be rich” coming from the screen. Reno Jackson just happened to be sitting in his deck, bringing him back to 30 life. I conceded, losing another game.

  • Alarm-O-Bot and Summoning Portal are cards I had forgot existed until today. This Tavern Brawl doesn’t use normal Standard rules, allowing decks to carry cards from every moment in Hearthstone’s history. Even Power Overwhelming and Azure Drake, two cards that have been placed in the Hall Of Fame, essentially banning them from all forms of professional play, can show up here.

  • Since this is an old Tavern Brawl, we can look at past statistics to see which class is the best to pick. Hearthsim analyzes data gathered from these game modes, figuring out which classes have the highest win rate. Paladin seems to be the top contender across all fields, having a 55 percent win rate with 12 percent of players, though Mage isn’t far behind. Take this information with a grain of salt, the analyzed Brawl happened in September of 2016, before Mean Streets Of Gadgetzan and Journey To Un’Goro were released.

  • According to the numbers, the worst classes are Warlock and Priest. For this Brawl, every single card that’s in either of these classes can be found, and these two have some really bad cards. Felguard, Lakkari Felhound and Silence are all cards you do not want to draw when every card counts.

  • If you get the chance, the best combination of classes is Paladin and Warrior. Lots of weapons, aggressive minions and spells that heal and kill minions: what more could you ask for?

  • Personally, I hate “Cart Crash At The Crossroads.” It’s all about RNG, requiring you to play multiple games until you get luckier than your opponent. My favorite games of Hearthstone require skill and outwitting your opponent, but this just involves the Old Gods blessing you with the best curve.

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