Hearthstone: Prince Renathal and Forsaken Lieutenant Nerfed in Latest Patch

New expansion means new changes.
New expansion means new changes. Blizzard

It's only been about two weeks since the March of the Lich expansion for Hearthstone was released. Thus, it's surprising to know that a new patch has been launched that introduced balancing changes to the game. Cards like Prince Renathal and Forsaken Lieutenant have been nerfed. Meanwhile, Corpse Bride and Malignant Horror get a much-needed boost.

For Prince Renathal, he's been the most played card in the game and in fact, the meta has been warped around him for quite some time. With this change, the dev team hopes to open the meta back up. For fans of this card, don't worry too much since his core effect has been preserved despite the nerf. Changes are:

  • Old: Your deck size and starting Health are 40.
  • New: Your deck size is 40. Your starting Health is 35.

Forsaken Lieutenant had its costs increased from two to three. The main reason is to slow down the Rogue decks where this card is usually part off. Since it's the cost, the nerf doesn't destroy the synergies present in the Deathrattle Rogue deck, the same with the Miracle Rogue deck.

Helping the New Class

When the March of the Lich King expansion was released, one of the new content introduced was the Death Knight class. Since a lot of players are sure to try out this new class, most of the buffs in this new patch were designed to give them higher confidence in trying out the Death Knight.

Changes include:

  • Corpse Bride
    • Old: Battlecry: Spend up to 8 Corpses. Summon a Risen Groom with stats equal to the amount spent.
    • New: Battlecry: Spend up to 10 Corpses. Summon a Risen Groom with stats equal to the amount spent.
  • Malignant Horror
    • Old: At the end of your turn, spend 5 Corpses to summon a copy of this minion.
    • New: At the end of your turn, spend 4 Corpses to summon a copy of this minion.
  • Meat Grinder
    • Old: Battlecry: Shred a random minion in your deck to gain 3 Corpses.
    • New: Battlecry: Shred a random minion in your deck to gain 4 Corpses.

It's Banned

While there are good nerfs and buffs, Tome Tampering is banned in Wild. This card has long been part of the Discard deck of the Warlock archetype. It's been found out that Tome Tampering has been a powerful enabler that allowed the Discard deck to be over the power level of the Wild format. With this, players can still use this kind of deck but at a level more in line with the rest of the format.

Check out the complete list of changes that arrived in Patch 25.0.4. Hearthstone is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

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