'Hearthstone' Cloneball Tavern Brawl Guide: Best Legendaries To Make Your Opponent Concede

Cloneball!!!!! Blizzard

This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is “Cloneball!” Each player gets a deck of random Legendaries, which can be anything from Lorewalker Cho to Deathwing. There’s four copies of each in your deck, making Kazakus and Reno Jackson very useless.

Having a ton of high-cost Legendaries in your hand wouldn’t be very fun, so Blizzard added in a cost reduction mechanic to allow you to play some of your stronger cards more easily. Offensive Play is a Brawl-specific card that makes the next Legendary you play and every copy of it in your deck cost three less mana. Want to play Maexna on turn three, in this Brawl anything is possible.

You get a copy of Offensive Play on turn one and every other turn after it (meaning turn three, turn five, etc.)

Rogue and Priest are definitely the worst options, but class-specific Legendaries tend to show up much less frequently than their normal counterparts in this Tavern Brawl.

I’ve been playing a ton of “Cloneball!” and here are the top five best Legendaries to have in your deck.

Pat Nagle- Now I know a lot of people think this card is trash, and they are absolutely right. No normal human being should ever have to play this 0/4 minion for two mana in a normal game. In this Tavern Brawl, you can end up with two Nagles in your hand turn one, along with Offensive Play . Now, you have a chance to draw two extra cards for little to no cost.

Loatheb- I remember when Curse Of Naxxramas cards were still allowed and how Loatheb was the best five-drop in Hearthstone. Forcing your opponent to waste five extra mana on a spell is a big deal, I used to get the saltiest messages after some of my games. In this Tavern Brawl, stopping your opponents from playing minions is a big deal; you win by having more board pressure. Play the green guy and your enemy can’t use Offensive Play to summon Skeleton Knight and it’s GG.

Kel’Thuzad- Reviving minions forever is never a bad thing. In one game I managed to drop three of these angry necromancers and had a board that could never die.

Patches The Pirate- When you play Patches , the three copies sitting in your deck will get shot out onto the board. That’s four 1/1s with Charge for one mana, not to bad of an investment. I managed to have a Skycap’n Kragg and a Patches in my deck and the value was terrifying.

Dr. Boom - This guy is busted, no matter what the circumstances he should always be played.

How do you like “Cloneball!” Tell us in the comments.

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