'Hearthstone' Aggro Shaman Guide For Mean Streets Of Gadgetzan: Jade Golems And Pirates Always Go Face

Jade Claws, because Shaman needed a better weapon.
Jade Claws, because Shaman needed a better weapon. Blizzard

Pirates are the driving force of the Hearthstone meta after the Mean Streets Of Gadgetzan expansion. Most top-tier decks use Small Time Buccaneer and Patches regardless of class. Pirate Warrior and Miracle Pirate Rogue dominated the scene for the last month and a half, but in the last few weeks Aggro Shaman has started to creep back into the top spot.

Aggro Shaman has been a top performing deck since League of Explorers , when Blizzard decided Tunnel Trogg was a smart card to make. Since then, Shamans have been establishing massively oppressive board pressure in the early game and winning games before turn six. MSOG only made Shaman more aggressive, giving the class even stronger and more annoying cards.

The one thing Aggro Shaman struggled with, like most aggro decks, is late game survivability. If you can’t defeat your opponent before turn six or seven, chances are you would lose the game. With the introduction of Jade Golems, Aggro Shamans have the ability to establish some board control in the late game. Jade Claws , Jade Lightning and Aya Blackpaw summon golems that can give Shaman an out in later turns.

Use pirates like Southsea Deckhand and Small Time Buccaneer with Shaman’s early game weapons and most decks are going to have a hard time bouncing back. On turn two, you can have a 2/2 Jade Claw weapon, a 1/1 Jade Golem, another 1/1 with Charge and a 3/2 pirate. There are very few decks that can match that level of aggression that early into the game, which is why Aggro Shaman is just so good right now.

When playing Aggro Shaman, always remember one thing: why would you waste minions trading when you can just go face?

Here’s my favorite deck list, straight from Parkz on Hearthpwn:

Lightning Bolt × 2

Spirit Claws × 2

Tunnel Trogg × 2

Flametongue Totem × 2

Jade Claws × 2

Maelstrom Portal × 2

Totem Golem × 2

Feral Spirit × 2

Lava Burst × 2

Flamewreathed Faceless × 2

Jade Lightning × 2

Patches the Pirate × 1

Small-Time Buccaneer × 2

Southsea Deckhand × 1

Bloodmage Thalnos × 1

Azure Drake × 2

Aya Blackpaw × 1

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