Going Medieval: New Animals and Features Introduced in Update 4

Update 4
Update 4 Twitter/@going_medieval

The colony-building sim Going Medieval celebrates its first-year anniversary since it launched in Steam Early Access. To celebrate this milestone, the developers released Update 4, which brings plenty of new content and features that you will surely love.

Update 4 has a lot of new animals for Going Medieval, such as goats, sheep, chickens, dogs, foxes, boars, cows, and rats. According to the dev team, they will add more in the future.

This patch introduced some new features as well. For one, you can now name all of the animals you have. Furthermore, all animals now have genders and will age just like in real life. It is also now possible for you to turn wild animals into domestic ones.

Patch Notes

  • Sleep: Animals have to sleep now. Some animals, like deer, are active during the daylight hours. Others, like foxes, are nocturnal
  • Hunger: Animals will seek food (they can eat) when they get hungry
  • Animal breeding: Animals mate among themselves (same species, males and females). The breeding process is influenced by a couple of things: The number of animals on the map and in the pen, the sizes of pens, or if the pen is crowded, the animals will not breed
  • The existing behavior of wild animals has been overhauled and improved
    • They’ll roam across the map, but will actively try to avoid your settlement
    • Herbivores will look for plants to eat
    • They will avoid food located in the player’s settlement, but if they’re very hungry and there is no food present, they’ll try to sneak in and take the food
    • All animals currently in the game are tamable
  • Upon the selection of a wild animal, a tame button will appear
  • Settlers with the Animal Husbandry job turned on will go to these animals and initiate taming
  • Once the taming attempt has been made with a specific animal, that animal will have a one-day cooldown (in-game), before the settlers can attempt to tame it again. There is no limit to the number of animals you can attempt to tame (as many as there are on the map)
  • The taming attempt can be successful or not. Taming attempt success chance (and duration) is determined by the animal type and the settler's Animal Handling skill
  • If the taming attempt fails, there is a chance that the animal will attack the tamer
  • If the taming attempt is successful, their tamed stat will increase by a certain amount

The full list of changes for Going Medieval Update 4 can be found on Steam.

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