The latest content update for Generation Zero is now live on all platforms. The Dangerous Experiments Update is called such because it introduces new experimental weapons to the game.
New Weapons
There are three experimental weapons added in Generation Zero: Dangerous Experiments Update. The first is the Experimental .44 Magnus - a shrapnel gun that can shred enemies to pieces - perfect for crowd control because of its shotgun-like blast.
The second is the Experimental KVM 89 Thermal Machine Gun, best used when it’s hot, literally. That’s because whenever the gun’s temperature rises, its accuracy, efficiency, and damage rise as well. The only problem here is that it performs terribly at low temperatures.
And lastly, the Experimental Älgstudsare is an artillery rifle best used at long distances. The reason for this is that its bullets are covered by a slow-burning coating, which builds up energy the longer they stay in the air. This is even more potent when fired from more than 100 meters away!
According to Tomas, one of the game designers for Generation Zero, the experimental weapons were introduced as a way of combining real-world firearms with a moderate dose of sci-fi.

Performance Improvements
The Avalanche Studios Group has also implemented some performance improvements in the Dangerous Experiments Update. For one, the game now uses less memory which may reduce crashing on consoles.
Furthermore, the game now utilizes CPU better than before with players getting a smoother experience, especially in big cities and chaotic fights where visual elements are so high.
The New Schematic Tree
Crafting is another problem area that the company has addressed in this patch. Back then, players would have to scour the world for Schematics before they could craft anything. But now, players can unlock them in the new Schematics Tree.
There are five paths that allow players to buy Schematics using points unique to the tree. These currencies can be acquired by completing certain types of in-game and by crafting items.
Those who have already acquired some Schematics do not have to worry as they are already fully unlocked in the tree.

- Fixed an issue where the zoom-out would function after reassigning it to another button
- Fixed issues with houses not rendering in Fiskebäck
- Fixed an issue where if you deleted your world and created a new game in the main menu, safehouses would still be on the map
- Fixed an issue where deleted worlds would reappear after restarting the game
- Fixed an issue where “The Farm” was stuck on the “Destroy the Machines” step and couldn’t be completed.
- Fixed an issue where “Break of Dawn” got soft-locked after a multiplayer game
- Fixed an issue in “Death From Above” where clients in a multiplayer session would still see the mission icons after the mission was completed
Generation Zero: Dangerous Experiments Update is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.