'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Spoilers: A Eulogy For My Favorite Character

The wildings and my beloved Wun Wun
The wildings and my beloved Wun Wun HBO

Game of Thrones is a super bloody show. One of the first things you have to learn as a GOT fan is that your favorite character will die. It doesn't matter if they are a righteous ruler or a C-tier nobody, chances are they will be visiting the Old Gods somewhere in George R.R. Martin’s sick fantasy.

Spoilers for last night’s episode, “The Winds of Winter.”

“The Winds of Winter” was the goriest episode in the history of the show. The Battle of The Bastards was gigantic, with bodies literally piling on top of each other. After seasons of torturing, pillaging and just being a general dick, Ramsay Bolton finally got his face bitten off and the audience breathed a sigh of cathartic relief.

Last night, we lost the greatest character in all of the seven kingdoms, Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun. If you’ve never heard the name Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun, or his nickname Wun Wun, you probably just called him “that awesome giant.” Wun Wun was the only reason I cared about anything happening North, South or anywhere near the wall. He was just a giant who loved nothing more than to fight and rip people in half.

Wun Wun had some of the most kickass moves in all of Westeros. I swear, if he’s not already a DLC character in Mortal Kombat , the developers really need to get their asses in gear. He’s thrown people miles away, slammed down gates and even slammed a member of the Night’s Watch against a very large wall (which is my favorite scene in the history of the show).

Whenever I saw Wun Wun on screen I knew it was time to see a glorious battle. The talking, deliberating and nuanced parts of the show were over, now onto something a bit more visually appalling. Daenerys and her dragons are cool and all, but I’d take Wun Wun punching a hole through a blockade of shielded infantry over a CGI flying lizard burning one measly boat.

Hodor and the Mountain were fun giants and the Hound still has some fight left in him, but none of those half giants were anywhere near as awesome as the real thing.

As a seasoned GOT viewer, I thought I learned not to get attached to the characters on screen. Still, I was dumb and fell in TV love with a giant. I know others look down on such an unholy union, but I didn’t care. Now all I’m left with is heartbreak and a giant-sized hole in my heart.

R.I.P. my furry goliath. You fought for a cause you believed in, and all you got was an arrow through the eye.

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