'Game Of Thrones' Season 6 Math Stuff Says Daenerys Will Die

The Dothraki
The Dothraki HBO

Students at Technical University of Munich (TUM) have made a bunch of exceedingly unlikely Game of Thrones Season 6 predictions using “algorithms” and “graphs” and “math.”

A Song of Ice and Data claims to predict 74 percent of Game of Thrones deaths (or, at least, NME claims that for them), though their current top guesses about who will die next suggest that average is about to take a sizeable hit. Here are their current rankings for “who is most likely to die next”:

Tommen Baratheon - 97 percent

Stannis Baratheon - 96 percent

Daenerys Targaryen - 95 percent

Davos Seaworth - 91 percent

Petyr Baelish - 91 percent

None of these people are going to die next (Stannis is already dead!).

Tommen could die this season… but next? Not a chance. The most likely deaths are all at Castle Black and Winterfell, two locations that a resurrected Jon Snow is likely to tear through in the early episodes of the new season.

Spoiler, Daenerys Targaryen ain’t dying this season. She’s at the center of a zillion prophecies. If she ever dies, it will be after riding dragons around with Jon Snow and Tyrion at the hands of the Night’s King. And while we’re expecting a lot to transpire this season of Game of Thrones, that’s a bit too much ground to cover in 10 episodes.

Davos Seaworth could die, but it seems unlikely to happen early in the season. We’ve already seen in clips from Season 6 that he survives Castle Black and visits Bear Island, probably to recruit Mormont bannermen to Jon Snow’s army.

Petyr Baelish could totally die. The dude lives for manipulations and while he thinks of himself a the master of subtle political machinations, all it takes is one pissed off Sansa, Brienne or anyone else in Westeros who hates him (namely, everyone) to stick a knife in his gut.

Here's who is actually going to die next: Alliser Thorne.

The era of Big Data may be upon us, but whatever algorithm is behind A Song of Ice and Data shouldn’t be trusted to predict anything much more complicated than whether or not Tyrion will guzzle wine and say something clever.

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