‘The Flash’ Season 3: Who Is Savitar? Killer Frost Cliffhanger Changes Top Theories

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Savitar emerged from a huge, blue transformer suit at the very end of The Flash Season 3 episode 19, “Once and Future Flash.” Savitar said he would help Killer Frost shut out her Caitlin Snow alter-ego for good, and when she asked how she could trust him, he unraveled his mechanical suit or armor. Once she saw a face, she immediately joined his cause and asked, “What do you need me to do?”

Why would she bow down so quickly?

Tonight seemingly ruled out any member of Team Flash. The Wally West theory appears to be debunked considering he is in a wheelchair, paralyzed so much he can’t talk. Vibe can’t vibe because he has no hands since Killer Frost froze them off. H.R. is writing books looking for threesomes. Joe is so freaking sad he couldn’t possibly do anything bad. Julian is off doing nerd stuff. The Future Flash theory is now much lower on the list of predictions. Future Barry Allen being Savitar is just too confusing to even think about after tonight's episode, but if there is a will, there is a way.

Read: Savitar Identity Reveal Comes Before Finale

The most intuitive option right now, after the latest episode, is Ronnie (aka Firestorm). He was once a hero who sacrificed himself to save Central City and is still the love of Caitlin’s life. She would do virtually anything for him. However, that reveal would feel shallow. The writers have come this far holding out for an epic reveal, why would they make it such an easy pick?

Flashpoint made Caitlin Snow a metahuman.
Flashpoint made Caitlin Snow a metahuman. CW

After tonight's episode, we have to add Zoom to the list because he’s one of the only people Barry wouldn't expect for so long. Seven-years-in-the-future Barry didn't even know who Savitar was. Unbeknownst to Barry in present time, Zoom has transformed into Black Flash. However, Legends never really fully explained that situation. Zoom, like Savitar, also had a god-like obsession with speed. Plus, Savitar and Caitlin Snow definitely have some sort of unspoken connection. He is the reason Caitlin Snow initially bonded with the Earth-2 Killer Frost. It was after that meeting Caitlin first realized she had a dark side.

Jay Garrick's Flash was outed as Zoom's mysterious masked prisoner.
Jay Garrick's Flash was outed as Zoom's mysterious masked prisoner. CW

Caitlin, after tonight's episode, obviously has some sort of strong connection with Savitar. Caitlin's past and childhood is still largley unknown, even after meeting her mother earlier this season. There could be some things about her, or some people, we still haven't learned about.

Another option is Jay Garrick, but probably not since he’s stuck in the speed force at the moment. He’s the oldest speedster we know and one of the most trustworthy characters out there. Barry also wouldn't suspect him.

Read: Vibe Is Key To Stopping Savitar

There’s still a lot of people on the Eddie train for the simple fact it looks like Eddie’s back in this photo of Savitar. That’s really the only reasonable evidence, considering Eddie would never want to kill Iris. But then again, Barry ultimately stole his girl, so you never know.

Who is Savitar?
Who is Savitar? CW

In the comics, Savitar’s real name is not known, but he was able to lend and steal speed. He encountered speedsters like Johnny Quick and Max Mercury (who we haven’t seen -- yet?) and later in continuity, Jesse Quick, Wally West, Impulse, Jay Garrick. He used a speedster named Lady Flash (soon after, renamed to Lady Savitar) to help him grow his speed cult. On The Flash, the only thing we only know he’s considers himself the ‘God of Speed.’ Jay Garrick said he is the first speedster the speed force ever granted power.

Savitar in The Flash comics.
Savitar in The Flash comics. DC

What’s more interesting is Savitar’s agenda hasn’t been to kill Barry, rather it seems he wants to use him for something. This something must be related to the speed force and likely has something to do with why Savitar wears a very very extensive protective suit.

There’s every chance Savitar is someone we haven’t met quite yet, but someone we’re familiar with. So if you’re looking for predictions, check out this list for every solid clue we have. Savitar’s identity will be revealed ahead of the season finale.

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