On Feb. 2, Fire Emblem Heroes turns one year old and to celebrate Nintendo’s planned a ton of events and rewards for players to earn, including the new hero Ike Vanguard legend. Ahead of the event, Nintendo's released a video to the FEH YouTube channel outlining all the new stuff coming to the game this week. Below is a complete rundown of everything you can expect in the Fire Emblem Heroes Anniversary update, along with event start times and other information to help you get the most out of the Anniversary update. Check it all out below.
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What Time Do Fire Emblem Heroes Anniversary Events Begin?
According to the FEH channel, the Anniversary Update events will begin Feb. 1, and continue throughout the month. Here’s everything you can expect plus specific times and dates each event and feature will appear in the game.

50 Free Orbs - On Feb. 1, all Fire Emblem Heroes players will receive 50 free orbs just for logging into the game. The orbs won’t be available until the event officially begins at 11 p.m. PST. The Orbs will be available to claim through March 7, 2018.
Daily Maps - From Feb. 1 through Feb. 25, Daily Maps will added to the Special Maps section. Players will earn Orbs for clearing the maps for the first time. The maps will come in easy and hard versions, allowing players to earn up to 50 orbs for completing them.
Developer Challenges - starting Feb. 3 at 11 p.m. PST, a new set of developer challenge will become available. These challenges will feature interesting new teams to combat inside of special maps.

Daily Grand Hero Battle Revival - this event begins Feb. 8. Players will see one of seven Grand Heroes appear in special map battles each day for a week. These include Ursula: Blue Crow, Michalis: Ambitious King, NarcianL Wyvern General, Xander: Paragon Knight, Narvarre: Scarlet Sword, Robin: Mystery Tactician and Lloyd: White Wolf.
Special Maps: Special Training - on Feb. 8, new Special Training Map options will appear in the Special Maps section. Lots of enemy reinforcements are expected to appear on these maps. Players will have to use their best strategy to beat these maps but they are a great way to earn tons of experience and SP. Here are a few of the skills these maps will challenge: Bows, Magic, Melee and Ranged.

Hero Summoning Fest - This event begins Feb. 1 and will focus on four strong heroes with a 5% initial appearance rate for the 5-star focus category. This is a great way to potentially summon some amazing heroes you may not have recruited yet. The heroes are as follows: Fierce Haberdier Nephenee, Brave Mercenary Ike, Brave Lady Lyn and Holy Knight Sigurd.

Tap Battle: Illusory Dungeon - this is a new gameplay mode that focuses on well-timed tapping. The mode will be available for two weeks and kicks off Feb. 8.
Ike: Vanguard Legend Hero Summoning Event - this is probably the most exciting event of the entire update and it actually kicked off late Tuesday evening. If you missed it though, there’s a chance to win it in the Hero Rises event described below.
A Hero Rises Event - this event is an opportunity for players to vote on a favorite hero in the game. Whichever hero receives the most votes will be given away to all players for free. If you weren’t able to summon Ike: Vanguard Legend, he might be a great choice for your vote. The voting begins Feb. 1 at 7 p.m. PST. Voting end date has yet to be announced.