Fallout 76 Offering Players Private Worlds For $100 Per Year

Get access to your own private world.
Get access to your own private world. Bethesda

Fallout 76 is giving players a chance to enhance their experience with Fallout 1st. This is a premium subscription service that gives players access to private servers and their own private worlds. That catch? It's going to set you back by $13 per month or $100 per year.

According to Bethesda, this feature is "something players have been asking for since before launch" of Fallout 76. With Fallout 1st, a total of eight players can play in their own private world. The gameplay experience remains the same as that of Adventure Mode and characters entering the private worlds need to be existing characters. However, only the owner of the private world needs to subscribe to the service, which means the seven other players can join in for free.

Players can also create a squad outside of their private world and then switch to the private world and bring everyone along. If the owner makes a decision to leave the private world, the world stays active. However, this is only effective as long as one other player in the private world is a Fallout 1st member.

So what's in store for those who do subscribe, aside from having their own private world? There are five other features which include:

  • Scrapbox
    • This is a place where players can store their crafting components so it doesn't take up space in the Stash Box.
    • It has unlimited storage so there is no need to worry about picking and choosing when it comes to hoarding scrap.
  • Survival Tent
    • This allows you to have a forward operating base when you plan to rough it out on your next adventure.
    • The tent comes complete with a Stash, Sleeping Bag, Scrapbox, Cooking Station, and something to help you wind down.
    • It serves as a second fast travel point in addition to the main C.A.M.P.
  • Atoms
    • A Fallout 1st membership lets players get a monthly bonus of 1,650 Atoms you can use in the Atomic Shop.
    • As a member, players also get access to exclusive discounts in the Atomic Shop.
  • Ranger Armor Outfit
    • The Ranger Armor Outfit is available to all those who subscribe.
  • Icons & Emotes Pack
    • Players can show off their membership status with a unique set of Fallout 1st player icons and emotes.

What do you think about Fallout 1st for Fallout 76? Is $100 per year enough, or too much?

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