'Edge Of Tomorrow 2' Will 'Revolutionize How People Make Sequels' Says Director Doug Liman

'Edge of Tomorrow 2' will be way better than the first one, according to its director.
'Edge of Tomorrow 2' will be way better than the first one, according to its director. Warner Bros. Pictures

Can 2014’s most pleasant sci-fi surprise become a revolutionary series? Edge of Tomorrow director Doug Liman promises big things from his sequel to the time-twisting Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt alien invasion movie.

Though barely clearing $100 million in domestic box office (rebranding it as Live Die Repeat didn’t seem to help home video sales), strong word-of-mouth has secured Edge of Tomorrow a sequel, currently in development with original screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie (Mission: Impossible -- Rogue Nation) and Liman. There’s already a draft of the script by Joe Shrapnel and Anna Waterhouse.

Speaking with Collider, Liman made some big promises for Edge of Tomorrow 2:

“That is the only sequel that I’m considering doing , and it’s because first of all the story is so amazing — much better than the original film, and I loved the original film — and second of all, it’s a sequel that’s a prequel.”

Whatever that means. Got anything else, Liman?

“I’ve had some radical ideas about how to make a sequel that would interest me, in the same way that I had ideas of how you make an independent film and then Swingers came along and it was like ‘Aha, that’s the perfect movie for me to test these ideas out on.’ I had these intellectual ideas on how you should make a sequel that are unlike how anybody else makes a sequel, and this script and this idea fits perfectly into that idea. So it’s going to revolutionize how people make sequels.”

Honestly, I’m trying to wrap my head around what the hell Liman could mean by all that. Since Edge of Tomorrow ends with the timeline reset and the aliens defeated essentially negating the plot of the movie that came before a sequel that’s also a prequel would mean… hmm… still no idea. Though it’s safe to say it will involve time futzing and Tom Cruise. That’s something to look forward to.

Unfortunately, since Liman, Cruise, Blunt and McQuarrie are busy with various other giant movies, including Justice League Dark, Mission: Impossible 6 and a Mary Poppins sequel, it may be a few years before we actually see the revolutionary sequel, Edge of Tomorrow 2.

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