'The Division' 1.5 Update PS4 Guide: Best Weapons, Loot Farms & Gear Tips Post-Release

'The Division' 1.5 Update Guide: The Best Weapons Gear & Tips For PS4 Players
New updates to The Division make even first time cheaters get permanent bans
New updates to The Division make even first time cheaters get permanent bans Ubisoft

The Division 1.5 update just released on PS4, so here’s a guide for some of the best weapons, loot farm locations and gear that everyone’s rolling right now. If you want back into Ubisoft’s tactical RPG, here’s where to start.

Change To World Tier 5 : Assuming you’re a serious Division player who can handle the test, one of the first things you’ll want to do is change your World Tier to level five so you can start scooping up that awesome 256 gear. Your older stuff will do fine with the right customization at first, but upgrades are the whole point of the patch.

You’ll need three pieces of 256 gear for vendors to start selling it, so either grab the gear from your season pass supply drop or collect from Tier-5 challenges to meet the requirement.

Sell Your 229 Gear : Once you’re able to start buying 256 gear from vendors, it might be helpful to part with your 229 equipment so you can buy some new stuff. Obviously you should hang on to any “God roll” firearms, but odds are your inventory will be full of average junk too. Purging it will allow you to buy things like weapon caches that often drop good items.

The Best Weapons, Gear And Mods : The Division’s Xbox One community has already set the standard for what makes the 1.5 update great, so luckily we already know many of the guns and goods that people are going to be attached to. Three major areas of focus are the buffed Pakhan, FAMAS and the MP7 that can be crafted from purchasable blueprints. With that trio, you have the best LMG, rifle and burst-fire SMG that the new update has to offer. The Pakhan is at the Base Of Operations special equipment vendor, the FAMAS is in the Meat Locker Safe House and the MP7 blueprint can often be found at a special blueprints vendor.

Moving on to the gear and mods side of things, there’s also a standard there. First you’ll want to buy a bunch of Prototype Stamina Mods from the vendor at the East 42nd Street Dark Zone checkpoint. They’re great when paired with solid armor. There’s also a nice Firearms Mod in the Dark Zone 4 Safe House. Lastly, some Savage Gloves from the Dark Zone 2 checkpoint might be worthwhile for PvP players that use SMGs.

The absolute must-have of them all, however, is Barrett’s Chest Piece that’s most frequently dropped by the named boss in Lexington. With no skills on cooldown, it offers 10 percent more Skillpower, one skill increases damage by 5 percent and two cooldown skills increases armor by 10 percent. Especially if you stack that last buff onto other armor bonuses, this is a can’t-miss find for any loadout.

Go After Named Bosses : Speaking of named bosses, the ones in the 1.5 update essentially offer 14 chances to get 256-level gear. If you’re struggling to reach that threshold to buy upgrades from vendors, this is one of the best places to start.

As usual there are certain routes you can take to maximize your drops. Some of those can be found in this detailed reddit post. The simple fact is, however, taking out named bosses repeatedly offers chances for great gear, no matter the order you decide to tackle each task.

The Best Loot Farms : Routes are one thing, but great loot farm locations are another. If you don’t mind the repetition, we have a few spots that you can hit time and time again for fast loot drops that you can use or sell for credits.

From our perspective, the two best spots to loot farm are Lexington and the free Clear Sky incursion. As we said, Lexington is where you’ll find Barrett’s Chest Piece, but it’s also an easy challenge to complete with a decent loot reward too. As for Clear Sky, it offers 8 pieces of loot, 270 phoenix credits and 300,000 regular credits per completion on tier 5 challenging difficulty. A decent run should only take about six minutes too. If played right, that could net 100 pieces of loot per hour.

That’s our guide for The Division 1.5 update that’s available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC. What tips do you have for incoming agents? Tell us in the comments section! It might also help to read our guides for beginners, high-end weapons and Dark Zone PvP

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