'Digimon World Next Order': How To Digivolve, Tips For Getting The Stats You Want

Zudomon and MegaSeadramon fight to the death, if you train them right
Zudomon and MegaSeadramon fight to the death, if you train them right Wikia

Digimon World: Next Order has over 250 Digimon you can partner up with to explore the digital world. Getting those Digimon is another story entirely. In DW: NO , how you treat and train your Digimon will determine how it digivolves. Scold your Agumon, let it poop everywhere and refuse to feed it and it might just transform into a SkullGreymon , or even worse, a Numemon. Keeping an eye on your Digimon’s happiness, along with all of it’s stats, is crucial to getting the Digimon you want.

When you pick your eggs in the beginning, it does not mean you are going to get that Digimon. For instance, picking a Koromon egg doesn’t mean you will get Agumon. There are four other rookies the blob could digivolve into, depending on its stats.

Here’s a basic rundown of what Digimon stats mean, how many days it takes until they Digivolve and what requirements you’ll need to get the Digimon you want.

How To Get The Perfect Stats

Play On Normal Mode: If you want to get a specific Digimon, you’ll need to be playing DW: NO on easy. The only difference between easy and normal mode is the requirements needed for evolution. I spent hours on normal mode training my ClearAgumon to become something great, only to get the green slime with eye stalks. I had to restart the game just to get Champions strong enough to get through chapter one.

Fight The Right Digimon In The Wild: When you fight Digimon, you gain a small amount of stats. The Training Facility is a good place to train your Digimon in the beginning, but eventually the hour it takes to give just a few points to your Digimon becomes wasteful. Goblimon , who you will encounter first, give you Strength, while Gotsumon give Endurance. If you want to find out the rest, you are going to have to just keep killing enemy Digimon.

Rookie Digimon Gain More Stats Than Champions: Let’s say you fight a Goblimon with a Greymon and an Agumon . That Agumon will gain way more stat points than your Greymon . Training your Digimon at different ranks becomes crucial later in the game if you are aiming to get your stats just right. The same can be said for Ultimates and Champions, and Ultimates and Megas.

The Lower Your Stat, The More You Gain: The more you battle the same Digimon, the less stat growth you’ll get. If you have a Patamon with 110 Strength, you might get +20 Strength from defeating a level one Goblimon . Repeat the battle and you might only get +16.

History Is Your Best Friend: The international version of DW: NO is different than the Japanese version, and there is still no concrete list on what stats are needed for evolution. If you want to get your perfect Digimon, you are going to have to find what requirements are needed in the History tab of the Digimon menu. These stats remain hidden until you gain experience, praise or scold your Digimon, or win battles.

Don’t Worry About Getting The Perfect Digimon: Just explore the digital world for a bit and have fun, your perfect Digimon will come soon enough :)

Have you gotten the Digimon of your dreams yet? Tell us in the comments.

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