Destiny 2: September 16 Week Xur Location, Weapons, and Armors

Where is Xur this week in Destiny 2?
Where is Xur this week in Destiny 2? Bungie

What is Xur offering this week? If you played Destiny 2, you know Xur has a lot of cool exotics on offer every week. This week, you can find Xur on Nessus at Watchers Grave.

Xur’s inventory for the week of September 16 consists of the following:

  • Two-Tailed Fox, Exotic Rocket Launcher: 29 Legendary Shards
  • Shards of Galanor, Exotic Hunter Gauntlets: 23 Legendary Shards
  • Hallowfire Heart, Exotic Titan Chest Armor: 23 Legendary Shards
  • Transversive Steps, Exotic Warlock Boots: 23 Legendary Shards
  • Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shards

Two-Tailed Fox

Two-Tailed Fox is an exotic rocket launcher. Its exotic perk, Twintails, allows players to shoot two rockets, one Void and one Solar, which can track the same target. The Void rocket can suppress enemies while the Solar rocket causes damage over time. You can get the rocket launcher for 29 Legendary Shards. This is a very rare drop!

Shards of Galanor

Shards of Galanor is an exotic hunter gauntlet. Its exotic perk, Sharp Edges, grants additional Super energy for Blade Barrage hits and kills. This is pretty useful for hunters who love to spam their ultimate due to faster cooldown. It is a pretty good buy for PvP and PvE. So, if you want an exotic that reduces the cooldown of your ultimate quickly, this is the best buy. You can get the gauntlet for 23 Legendary Shards.

Hallowfire Heart

The Hallowfire Heart is an exotic titan chest armor. Its exotic perk, Sunfire Furnace, improves the recharge rate of your Solar abilities, allowing you to use them more frequently. It is valuable when you equip your Super ability. This is a very useful exotic but is hard to master. You can get the chest armor for 23 Legendary Shards.

Transversive Steps

Transversive Steps is an exotic warlock boot. Its exotic perk, Strange Protractor, automatically reloads weapons when the player is sprinting. The perk also buffs sprinting speed, pretty useful in PvE due to vast maps. You can grab the boots for 23 legendary shards.

So, what are your thoughts on Xur's offers this week? Are you planning on grabbing anything from Xur? Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.

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