CR4ZY Lets Go Of All Its Esports Teams

More bad news in the esports scene.
More bad news in the esports scene. CR4ZY

Looks like pandemic has taken another team. However, it isn’t just one particular team as the organization CR4ZY decided to let go of all of its esports teams. That means Dota 2, League of Legends, CS:GO, and Rainbow Six: Siege.

So how did this decision come about? CR4ZY CEO Antonio Meić revealed in a post that this was mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic along with plans to prepare for 2021. He added that at the start of this year, the organization expanded into what it thought were interesting esports games. These were Dota 2, Rainbow Six: Siege, and CS:GO. For the Dota 2 team in particular, the organization signed on the entire roster of Fighting PandaS back in March 2020.

Meić said that while the different teams did what they could to meet expectations, “the world became a much different place due to the COVID-19 pandemic which is still, even nine months later, forcing the globe to adapt to the evolving situation.”

Indeed, the world did change and esports was no exception. While the organization did try to manage the situation the best that it could, Meić shared that they were never willing to risk the health of the players as well as getting stuck in a foreign country in the event of a lockdown. Many tournaments switched to an online format and there were even competitions that changed their format to be more regional. Meić said that this resulted in many of the organization’s “players to play with severe disadvantages such as high ping and time difference.” To the credit of the team, they managed to not only pull through, but even improve.

Ultimately, a lot of things that the organization expected to happen didn’t and Meić said that they “were put in a position where we have to make some tough decisions.” While terminating the contracts all of the organization’s esports teams, Meić went on to say that “this was the right decision.” This decision should help the organization prepare for the upcoming year.

With this decision, the players should be able to find new homes without any transfer fees while the organization gets to survive for another year. Amidst all of this turmoil, the organization thanked everyone who had been a part of the CR4ZY banner.

So what happens now? Meić said that for the rest of the year CR4ZY is going to “be focusing on smaller esports projects and products” while also “developing the strategy for the upcoming year.”

What about you? Do you think other teams or organizations are going to follow what CR4ZY did?

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