Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4: Arsenal Sandstorm Map Added In Update

Infected now available on all platforms
Arsenal Sandstorm
Arsenal Sandstorm Treyarch Studios

Treyarch Studios officially released its latest update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

The first big change in the update is the addtion of the free Arsenal Sandstorm Map. Following the Contraband Hurricane map, Treyarch boasts that Arsenal Sandstorm could well be the most intricate map makeover they have done for Black Ops 4. With the map, players will need to make changes to their playstyle as waves of sand that sweep across the map result in limited visibility. This means players have to participate in short-ranged engagements. The map is now in rotation on all platforms.

For PlayStation 4 players, one additional piece of good news is that Deathmatch Domination makes its debut on the platform. This is for players who have long wished that their team could play the objective, even if their main goal is simply to get streaks. Under this mode, teams can now earn point either by getting objectives or earning kills.

The update also makes Infected live on all platforms. Treyarch has made improvements to the gameplay and stability of the mode as well. One change is that when a Survivor becomes infected, only 10 seconds are added to the game clock instead of 30 seconds. This is to ensure that matches don't run longer than intended. In this mode, players are divided into two teams: Survivors vs. Infected, with one player randomly selected as the first Infected.

For infected players, the goal is to hunt down Survivors, attack them, and convert them to become members of their team. The Infected team wins when all members of the other team have been converted to the infected. The survivors need to select from present classes and avoid or kill the infected. They win when at least one team member remains once the timer runs out.

While survivors have one life before they become infected, the infected team has the ability to respawn any number of times.

Other changes include:


Weapon Tuning

  • Rampart 17
    • Increased ADS-in speed.
  • KN-57
    • Slightly reduced recoil.
    • Increased ADS-in speed.
    • Quickdraw: Increased ADS-in speed.



  • Choosing Fresh Start will no longer clear World League Hub stats.



  • Increased the final Collapse time from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.

Weapon Tuning

  • Rampart 17
    • Increased ADS-in speed.
  • KN-57
    • Slightly reduced recoil.


Weapon Tuning

  • Rampart 17
    • Increased ADS-in speed.
  • KN-57
    • Slightly reduced recoil.
    • Increased ADS-in speed.
    • Quickdraw: Increased ADS-in speed.

A complete list of the patch notes can be viewed here.

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