Best Horror Movies on Hulu Plus 2015: The Streaming Service Crushing Netflix This Halloween [Part 2]

The Beyond and The House By The Cemetery are two excellent Lucio Fulcio horror movies available on Hulu Plus for Halloween 2015.
The Beyond and The House By The Cemetery are two excellent Lucio Fulcio horror movies available on Hulu Plus for Halloween 2015. Fulvia Films

It’s hard to say exactly when this happened, but if you’re looking for streaming horror movies the selection at Hulu Plus absolutely crushes Netflix. Just like Netflix, Hulu Plus has a lot of dreck bulking its collection, but the diamonds to dirt ratio is much higher, and it’s not just the Criterion Collection picks either. Here are the Top 7 of our 13 best horror movies available for streaming on Hulu Plus for Halloween 2015.

Check out Part 1 Here:

Best Horror Movies on Hulu Plus 2015: The Streaming Service Crushing Netflix This Halloween [Part 1]

The Best Horror Movies On Hulu Plus For Halloween 2015 Part 2

7. Horror Express


While not as regal or well-made as some of their Hammer pairings, Horror Express may be the most fun Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee ever have bouncing off each other on-screen. Competing archaeologists fighting over a frozen ape corpse, Horror Express soon pits Cushing and Lee against a mind-controlling, immortal, evil from deep in the past. Loaded with junk science, low-rent train drama, and a bizarre appearance from Telly Savalas as a Cossack military officer, Horror Express is pure b-horror fun. Plus, it's based on the same source material as John Carpenter's The Thing.

6. Kuroneko

KURONEKO Kindai Eiga Kyokai

One of the ultimate examples of stately Japanese ghost horror, Kuroneko is the anti-House. A supernatural fairy tale of sorts (in the Grimm, very grim, sense), Kuroneko is about two pissed of dead ladies becoming cat ghosts and getting a whole lot of haunted revenge against the samurai. Haunting and beautiful.

5. The Brood

THE BROOD New World Pictures

David Cronenberg may have made the best horror movie of the 80’s with 1986’s The Fly, but 1979’s The Brood may be the master of horror at his most elemental with the frightening, pulsing, diseased The Brood. That The Brood stars Oliver Reed, hulking man of action, is just red, mucosal icing.

4. Häxan : Witchcraft Through The Ages

Sure, it’s a silent movie from 1922, but Häxan: Witchcraft Through The Ages is an unforgettable phantasmagoria, as director Benjamin Christensen provides viewers with a documentary overview of witchcraft and Satanism. In reality this is a delightful excuse to set up some of those bonkers horror tableaus ever put to film. Are you ready to watch a procession of witches kiss Satan’s ass? Or gawk as the camera lovingly strokes medieval torture chamber instruments? Just wait until you see Satan’s butter-churning face. Häxan: Witchcraft Through The Ages is awesome.

3. The Beyond

The best of Lucio Fulci’s many, many disgusting horror movies, The Beyond is one the most unforgettable dives into supernatural realms ever brought to screen. Combining a creepy Louisiana hotel and one gate to hell The Beyond is unforgettable and upsetting.

2/1. Night of the Living Dead / Day of the Dead

While it’s a shame Hulu Plus doesn’t also have Dawn of the Dead—the second entry in George Romero’s first Living Dead trilogy—Night of the Living Dead and Day of the Dead would make a truly unforgettable double feature. Night of the Living Dead is the perfect horror movie, creating so many zombie movie tropes that the sub-genre has only made incremental innovations ever since. Day of the Dead dials up the suffocating dread (and the gut-filled gore), as humanity’s last dregs collapse under the weight of their own despair and savagery. Two unforgettable horror movies.

That should keep you busy. Keep an eye out for our Netflix recommendations coming soon, though if you have Hulu Plus, congratulations on picking the winner in the streaming war of horror movie attrition.

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