During Stephen Amell’s panel at Heroes and Villains Fan Fest in New Jersey, a fan asked which season is his favorite. The Arrow actor responded by ranking each season of the series, leaving out Season 4.
"Season 1, for sure…then Season 5, and then Season 2, and then Season 3 and that’s it,” Amell said as the crowd laughed. “This is going to get me in trouble.”
.@StephenAmell ranks the seasons #Arrow #HVFF ⚡️ pic.twitter.com/IlhQ2BeX8s
— autumn noel kelly ⚡️ (@autumnnoelkelly) September 17, 2017
Season 4 is deemed by most fans as the worst season of the series, and it would appear Green Arrow himself agrees. Season 4 began with Felicity and Oliver leaving Star City to focus on their relationship (and for Oliver to learn how to cook), which was controversial within itself among Olicity lovers and haters. Season 4 also featured a mystical element with the inclusion of Damien Darhk, which many felt was out of place for a show largely featuring heroes without powers. Both Sara and Thea fought the effects of bloodlust from the Lazarus pit, which was drawn out through the season. It also doesn’t help Season 4 included the death of Black Canary, a fan favorite character. Thankfully, the series found a way to bring back Katie Cassidy in Season 5 via her evil Earth-2 counterpart, Black Siren.
While Season 4 is the least liked season of all time, one redeeming quality was Neal P. McDonough’s performance as the hated Damien Darhk. He’s a phenomenal actor, so much so they moved him to Legends of Tomorrow. Unfortunately, his character just felt so out of place for a show like Arrow, which excels best as a grounded, street-level superhero show.
How do you feel about Stephen Amells ranking? Let us know in the comments below! For Arrow Season 6 predictions, check out the tenth episode of our Cape Talk podcast, where we speculate about who lives and who dies after the Season 5 finale.